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Who watched this tonight? No spoilers without the spoiler tag (use full posting interface for that).

Basically, we meant to watch all of season 5 to prelude this, but forgot. Then last night, I clued in and we watched the second last episode of season 5 and tonight they showed the last one, and episode 1 of season 6.

Man, I forgot how much I loved season 5!!!!

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man oh man. wasn't Meadow hot at the beginning? I didn't even notice her face!

i love meadow..

whats with anthony Jr hairdo??

and for the record i hope that fat ass Vito gets capped.. i hate that waste of space..

that night was a special night for me and the sopranos..

i have never seen a first airing of a sopranos episode..

i got into them on DVD.. so yes i spoiled as i didnt have to wait a WEEK to see what happens next

id watch like 3 or 4 in a row.. i was heaven..

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