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420 shaker


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Don't think this has even been posted yet.

THis THursday at Pepperjacks (Hamilton) Friends of Hefner, Riddim Riders (funky, reggae vibe) and the Fat Cats.

Should be an AWESOME night. Hopefully Friday won't hurt too badly. Be great to see everyone out.

Hey kc, what time do you think the first band will go on?

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I wonder how much I'll miss if I attend the Johnny Winter show at 77 first?

As you know it's directly on your way home so I recommend stopping in. Not sure what Marky has planned but the shows I've done at the venue have always ended around 1amish. Doors are at 8pm with an opener that I think will probably start at 9pm, Johnny from 10-12am.....I would assume. Not really sure though and i guess he could do a three hour set in which you'll still see a good chunk of Fat Cats.

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What a night, WOW...Perfect size crowd too, nice patio chillin', the air was kickass. I haven't gotten in a groove like that since halloween...good job fatties!

nice to see skanks excercising high-five day, among other things

esau, thanks for taping, it was nice to see you again

Edited by Guest
did anyone check out edgar winter?
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ohh man.. I have not woke up hurtin' like that in a long time...thats the true tell of how great a night it was! Barely made it here to work...

and yes thanks for gettin us all home ilovesound...your one hell of a shovferr!

thanks to the pjc as always for providing such a fantastic atmosphere...and to the bands and all the great people that were there and that I got to meet and mingle with!

what a night! :D seeya next year 420...

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Just having the first coffee of the day, stumbled in the door around 6:30am & outta bed about a half hour ago (LOL) with one serious headache...been many a year since I felt anything like this, wow.

The bands torn it up, man...FoH were great as usual, especially pulling out that 'I never cared for you' off Teatro..thank you, that was awesome.

Riddum Riders, well, after what seemed like a really long break between bands, when they finally took the stage, made up for the late start. Great vocals & beats. Enjoyed it immensely, love seeing old friends kick ass on stage. I'm really looking forward to (& curious) to listening to the recording later.

Fat Cats, what can I say that I haven't already said before...my favourite band, period. Kicked off the show with a smokin in your face 'You' (just listened to it again...man oh man), not sure the last time Fatties opened a show with that one, but 420 was definitely an appropriate night for it! Thanks guys for yet another awesome night of music. (loving the new song...wtf is it called???)

Great seeing so many folks from the board (and meeting new ones!) as well the rest of the usual suspects found staggerin' around a Fatties show.

Baj, I lovesound great seeing you guys out and to meet raggaemuffin (sp?), can ya let your friend Mike know I'll get that Riddum Riders recording out to ya soon for him, I didn't forget.

kookycanooky, thanks my friend, great seeing ya again. Now if I can just find the other discs....lol

Thanks kc & briguy for throwin one serious good night of party, music, friends & alcoholism, as well Doug for a great job on the board.

Cheer all, I neeeded that.


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