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  • 4 weeks later...

wow. we got loaded last night at Hux and Sugar's place so we left the car.

We braved the world and decided to rollerblade there to acquire the vehicle. What a great time that was, and it really didn't take all that long.

I almost flew into a crowd of people coming down to Colonel By, but I got a quick slow down off of Sharon and then I hugged a pole. The brakes weren't set up all that great I guess. A girl on the sidewalk came over and showed me a little adjustment button and after that, braking worked much better.

I have an injury form last weekend on my left tricep. I fell off of our porch while climbing down and the pads totatally saved my elbows and head. But my tricep connected with the corner of a stair so I got a nasty greenish blue bruise.

Good times.

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Guest Low Roller

Ugh... Little Britain is EVERYWHERE around here. In fact the comedy troup from Little Britain is performing at the Brighton Center as we speak.

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