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Ottawa Radio Stations...?


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Okay, I'm at work at this crack-whore internet cafe and I used to bring my own cd's until a crack-head made off with them; sleep with one eye open. Anyways, I've otherwise gone digital, relatively new to Ottawa, and haven't listened to the radio in a while so.... the question is:

What radio stations are good in Ottawa?

Thanks ya'll.

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Guest Low Roller

I remember the Algonquin College station showing promise, but you pretty much needed to be standing next to their paperclip transmission tower to get any sort of decent reception.

Ottawa radio blows the meat missle.

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True. They play too many Radiohead songs' date=' and not enough songs by The Slip.




so that's how you spell that.....

Coming out of the closet...somewhat.....

BobFM dude....late nights at work...nothing like some sweet 80's rock....they play some classic 80's tunes.

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CKCU had a much-hyped Desmond Dekker tribute last night... They played The Israelites and screwed up the day he died and his age. The 'tribute' lasted about 4 minutes.

I reallllllly like the campus and community radio shows where people take it seriously and professionally. Too often though it's amateur hour. Which is an apt name, I know, but at least try to make it sound good.


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Too often though it's amateur hour. Which is an apt name' date=' I know, but at least try to make it sound good.AD[/quote']

Maybe because amatuers are running the show?

Just a thought. You get what you pay for.

That's exactly what I said.... A little effort is free too though.


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As an amateur DJ at CKCU, I wholly concur with AD that often the presentation can be a little sub-par. But I've been doing it off and on for 15 years, and it only take a little bit of effort into your preparation to make things sound professional.

AD - I recommend you e-mail the person who hosted that show last night with your concerns. I don't know who it was, but you should be able to find the names on the ckcu website/program guide. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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Yeha i don't mean to complain about CKCU at all really, i'm used to listening to CBC, and usually the shows I tune in to on CKCU are good, passable, and you can tell the people hosting are competent and passionate. but the ones that really stick out are the awful ones, you know 'dude i got my own radio show!! let's play some tunes and goof off!!'

basically my point is coming from there are so many good shows on campus stations that you don't remember them, but when you hear something that sticks out of the crowd because it's awful, that's what is remembered.


Edited by Guest
worst. wording. (and grammar). ever. i didn't even try to fix it.
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