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Look what my friend bought (hey Hux!)


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Hey! I've got an idea for a TV show! "Pimp My Speaker Cabinet". People would bring in their old decrepit speaker cabinets, and a team of skilled technicians would redo them, with fancy paint jobs, air suspension, DVD players, bling galore, sound-activated light shows...

Nah, too derivative...



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He just e-mailed me the details - COOL!:


Well, the cab was used on stage and at their jam space in the late '60s and early 70's, you can see glimpses of it on the sunshine daydream video from the august

'72 veneta oregon show, a special show indeed....

after '72 they started to get into the first versions of the wall of sound (which i think i just aquired one 15" speaker cab from that too!) therefor the use of their own amps became a thing of the past while the WOS was happening. This cab then went to bob weirs home studio where he used it up until 1986 where he then gave them (there are 2 of these baby's but the guy is keeping the other one) to matthew kelley from kingfish, he used them until a legal matter came up in regards to all the deads old stuff, after jerry died i believe, that required matt kelly to give them back.

The dust settled, a bunch of old gear went into storage and was forgotten about. They ended up at John Harrison's shop, he worked for the dead in the WOS era, reconing speakers, and was and is good friends with steve parish, jerry's main roadie. He had a bunch of stuff, weir's 2 cabs, 4 old jbl speakers that came out of one of jerry's old amps, and 4 or 5 WOS speaker cabs. They guy i got it from was hunting on the web for old vintage speakers, he found this dude in northern california who had a bunch of them so he called him up. They got to chatting, turned out that my friend was a deadhead and the guy with the speakers used to work for the dead 30 years ago and he might be interested in some other stuff he had!!!! ie weirs cabs etc etc!! My friend hung up the phone, rented a van, and drove right away from atlanta georgia to San Fransisco where he bought everything he had.... then drove home and set it up in his jam space, he's a airline pilot by day, a jamming deadhead by night. I stumbled upon the cab on ebay of course, watching it everyday, waiting to see how much it would go for and who would get it... the last 5 minutes came and the reserve had not been met, the last minute came up, my heart racing and i bid BOOM! 3000 GRAND US!!!! and to my delight and complete suprize... i got it, shit, my new friend even got a email from mark karan, who plays for ratdog, inquiring about the cab, others have offered him 5000 us for his other cab.... shit, boy am i lucky. Although i got boned by the shipping people, good safe shipping for 900US !!!!! fuck, now i am hella broke, in debt, but i got bob's cab and i too am a weir head... It came with a letter of provinence from the grateful dead stating it was aquired from them... woo hoo!! there you go, the whole story!!


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