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Dick Pound


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Letter to the editor, THN June 20, 2006

I just finished reading an article in which Dick Pound was commenting on the 132-page report written by the former chief of the Netherlands' anti-doping agency.

The report cleared Lance Armstrong of taking drugs during the 1999 Tour de France. Dick Pound's response? "I don't know how a Dutch lawyer with no expertise came to a conclusion that one of the leading labs in the world messed up..."

The same way a Montreal lawyer with no expertise and no evidence of any kind can state the NHL has a major drug problem.

Hey Dick, how's that investigaton coming anyways?

Sean Jacobs, Winnipeg

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Guest Low Roller

obviously he's just angry coz his momma named him Dick Pound

How difficult could it be for Dick to call himself Richard anyway?

He probably just decided to beat everyone to the punch.

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