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i think if given proper circumstance, we could use the word 'exact'. i mean, the aim of both acts is to establish some sort of martial law should a situation occur. luckily, we just haven't had such a situation.

edit to add: (in recent times).

imposing martial law is definately an issue to raise an eyebrow towards, but by no means is America a police state. it'd be interesting to see what kind of comments would float around in here should it really be one.

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I just did a quick run through but these are things that arnt right and were inserted as profiling tools. Who needs education records?? If they want to know what the kids know all they have to do is look at the state curriculum.

Title V: Removing obstacles to investigating terrorism is the fifth of ten titles which comprise the USA PATRIOT Act, an anti-terrorism bill passed in the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks. It contains 8 articles regarding the capture of terrorists.

Title V

Sec. 505. Miscellaneous national security authorities.

Sec. 506. Extension of secret service jurisdiction.

Sec. 507. Disclosure of educational records.

Sec. 508. Disclosure of information from NCES surveys.

all of that goes against:

Fourth Amendment

Main article: Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

The Fourth Amendment guards against searches, arrests, and seizures of property without a specific warrant or a "probable cause" to believe a crime has been committed. A general right to privacy has been inferred from this amendment and others by the Supreme Court (See Griswold v. Connecticut), including a right to abortion (Roe v. Wade).

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

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M.O.B.E. - well, my friend, if America's inconsistencies and ambitions frustrate you to no end, we're definitely on the same page there. It is difficult to imagine a Western democratic government as transparently devious as this current one. And I'm none too pleased when I look in my own backyard either.

But if you get hysterical about it, the terrorists win! :D

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M.O.B.E. - well, my friend, if America's inconsistencies and ambitions frustrate you to no end, we're definitely on the same page there. It is difficult to imagine a Western democratic government as transparently devious as this current one. And I'm none too pleased when I look in my own backyard either.

But if you get hysterical about it, the terrorists win! :D

very true, and just for the record I'm past the point of being hysterical. Now I wanna see blood and guts and gore and veins in my teeth. I wanna eat dead burnt bodies. I wanna Kill (this is the part where we start jumping up and down yelling) KILL KILL KILL }:|

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