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I was just offered


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Oh don't worry I was on board - done deal but turns out they are special needs ages 24 and 21 one misses the litter box (not a huge deal for 1000 bucks) but also needs daily medication and sometimes intravenous which I'd have to do myself....

plus I have a cat and the one of these cats has lived with its sister for 21 years and still beats the crap out of her regularly - not really fair to introduce that to my cat who is and always has been the king of the hill and the centre of attention/affection

I am an animal lover and have a cat but the reason I have a cat and not a dog is because they are independent I can go out and stay out all night randomly without question if I chose. My cat will be fine for a night with food and water and when I go away I have roommates or friends to come by and check in on Mr.Boo but with special needs cats the lifestyle I lead is compromised....

I haven't said no yet I just don't think its plausible for me

Trust me I'm working it from every angle a 1000 bucks extra in my pocket less what food litter and medication still looking at like 800-900 bucks a month.

It is very tempting!

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