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Alt QOTD 07/17/03


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OK, so I saw this new video by Jewel (actually it's on all the time so you know what I'm referring to). It's great that she has a hit again and that she is amking some douh, but I find the style of music so different from her previous albums that I wonder how much of the song was written by her, and how much input she had on the style etc. She was a folk musician and now it seems has hired a producion company (probably the same as Britney and Timberflake) to recreate her career. Which brings me to my quiestion:

What is the point at which you can say an artist has sold out? and what factors must be present before hand for them to be able to sell out at all?

I am saving my opinion on this one till I am sure it is going to be popular cause I can't afford any more drops in rating or I'll be thrown out of my house cause my mom will say i'm a failure.

Oh and since we may all share views, I think examples are a must on this one.

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I think you sell out if you make money doing something that is against your beliefs, or something that you don't really like or use.

For instance, John Tesh is NOT a sell-out. He's truely a putz and enjoys shitty music.

When the "hair club for men" uses Dylan's "Forever Young" - he may have sold out. [Wink]


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"I think you sell out if you make money doing something that is against your beliefs, or something that you don't really like or use."


metallica, thorughout the 1980s.....

"we will never make a video, MTV will be the death of rock, blah, blah, blah..."

metallica since......

"yeah, we'll make a video. yeah, we'll be on the soundtrack to yer shitty new movie, yeah, we love MTV and the headbangers ball."


another famous sellout is tonyrage's older brother. man, this cat used to be super-hip.

in fact, he got me into Phish in the first place.

but now, he dont answer calls, ya dont see him, hes just gone, livin' the life of a suit, in it fer the bucks and all that.



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