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Another environmental disaster in my neighbourhood


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As I was recently in the Squamish area, this depresses me a great deal (even if I hadn't been there recently I would feel the same)...

On a related note, I couldn't help but wonder while I was driving 99 up to Whistler what the final impact will be on the wildlife, after all of the highway modifications, numerous developments and hoopla of the up and coming Olympics has taken place. I wonder how much that was taken into consideration... Don't get me wrong I find the Olympics super exciting, but clearly the all-mighty dollar is winning out on this one again...

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i didn't see much evidence of the 'new' highway...i was expecting worse. it just seemed like they're widening and fixing it. of course that still is a lot of work. but at this point i drove all the way from squamish to west van without one passing lane the whole time and was stuck the whole time behind an old van that wouldn't pull over and did as low as 40 on the corners, which is so frustrating! so i wouldn't have minded a wider highway one bit. :P

i don't think it will have a big impact on the brackendale eagles. the highway that is...all the crazy squamish construction might if it starts to sprawl. i still LOL about that 'adventure centre'.

i was really sad to see the way the pemberton and squamish are getting all built up, but such is progress. so glad those logging roads haven't been paved yet :) i was so relieved to see our camping spot more or less unchanged!

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I just found out yesterday that a friend of mine was at Porteau Cove on the day that this happened. He was about to go SCUBA diving. Someone came and warned him that "in about an hour" an oil spill would reach that area.

My friend decided that his dive would take less than an hour anyway, so he carried on. What a nut.

Photo, that you can click to see a larger version, wherein you can see the clean-up crew in the photo:


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