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I'll try vehemently not to open a can o' worms, but is String Cheese a band worth seeing? I've been knocked down by The Slip, and when I got back up my vision wasn't quite right because I stopped apprciate washuffizi lyrics and Fire on the Mountain jams, and knowing this will be pricey is another consideration. Can I get a what what, and a yay or nay?

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I saw them in 2000 and the show wasn't the best. In SCI's defense, they were playing at my LEAST FAVOURITE venue. It was the Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor and they have this fucked up policy that you have to buy a membership to the fuckin place before you can buy beer. THEN you can't even take the gawd damned thing to your seat, you have to drink it in the friggin lobby. THEN once you get back to your seat you have to deal with the 50 security people that are there solely to prevent you from smoking. BOO-urns for that shit hole. Very nice looking, very bad party.

Oops got sidetracked by the bad experience....their music has taken a turn for the worse in recent years. They just don't seem to be jamming with passion or rather the same passion from the 97-'00 years. Every jam sounds a bit the same. Now i know what you're gonna say and if i hear it again i'm gonna puke. "Please, do not compare their past with their present, Phish doesn't rock like they did from 92-95." BIG DEAL. Phish IMO had room for expansion and exploration because they are rooted in rock with a sprinkle of everything else (plus they have a genius in the band IMO only) Phish also did the transition to the loopy stuff mid to late 90's intentionally. Conversly SCI has just gotten stagnant. SCI chose Bluegrass as their anchor and we have all come to expect too much from a genre that just doesn't have what we as a "jamscene" expect from a long lasting band. In no way am i trying to turn this POV into a Phish/SCI comparison because i could have used WSP or moe in their place i think. Both of them are quite on the rise and will be around much longer than the Cheese.

I have been hearing some rumours lately that they are changing things up and getting away from the "bluegrass roots rock" that made them famous but i'll believe it when i hear it. Bill Nershi will have to change his entire style if they are to do that (and learn a few more than 5 songs [Wink] )

Nevertheless, I have never been one to give up on a band and will be at the T.O. show givin'r like always.

Sorry for the rant, i'm feeling frisky today. [smile]

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I like them, however they seem to be (at least to me) the kind of band that you have to hear a couple times and even then they seem better if you can listen to a whole show or at least a significant part of to really appreciate them.

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SCI, hmmm...

I am definately going to both the Montreal and Toronto shows. It's my b-day that weekend (14th), so that's where I'll be partying.

As for the music, you definately roll the dice a bit with the Cheese. I have some really bluegrassy shows, and others that have a more rock feel to them. I just got the 2003-06-19 show from the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and they are on fire! Seriously rocking it out and almost getting electronic at times. I think you should go, they're definately worth checking out. Their drummer really impressed me the only time I saw them (2001-10-23), but they're definately a fun band to see. Hope that helps...

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