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gathering of the vibes - 3 more days!!!

Big Wooly Mammoth

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if all goes well, we might be taking off in the early am hours on Friday.....I really would like to avoid the miles-long car line up (which I just anticipate happening if we get there later than noon-ish on the Friday)

it would be great to pull in together though BWM so that all our kids have a common home base.

still don't yet know how/if/when (etc etc) we're meeting up with Willy. I need to do some map-googling!

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still don't yet know how/if/when (etc etc) we're meeting up with Willy. I need to do some map-googling!

Hmmmm...I wonder if someone could whip up some kind of cheap consumer version of those radio direction finder things that are used to track wildlife. The invention would be in two parts: a transmitter, and a receiver. A person wishing to be found would enter an identifying code into the transmitter (e.g., a name; it should be something that'd be unique) and carry it or stash it somewhere (e.g., in a tent). A person wishing to find someone would have a receiver into which could be entered the code of the person he/she wishes to find; wave the receiver around, and it bleeps at you as you get warmer or colder.

Assuming the codes that are chosen are unique, it'd be possible to have hundreds, if not thousands, of these things at, say, a festival and still be able to locate people.

Such a thing would work if the transmitter were carried around or left on its own (unlike a cell phone, which has to be carried and answered), and would even help find those who can't answer a phone (due to injury, excessive partying, or young age). I could even use my own transmitter to find my tent if I needed to.



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