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can,t sleep?

popo weenie

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i need to get some headphones i think


Have you tried earplugs (or, in a pinch, some kleenex stuffed into your ears)?

One other trick I used to use was the bathroom fan. I had a neighbour who used to either play or sing Chinese opera music at a volume that came through the apartment walls clear as a bell. It usually happened in the afternoon, which wouldn't normally be a problem, but if I was trying to get an afternoon nap in, it made that impossible. I found that turning on the bathroom fan added a background of white noise that was a lot easier to sleep to than the music.

Or you could go next door during their activities, knock, wait for them to answer, and say, "Hi. I live next door, and the noise from your sex is keeping me awake. Since you're doing it and I'm awake anyway, could I join in?" (You might want to check with your significant other before you pursue this course of action. And play safe, everybody.)



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Scotch is probably a good solution for both situations.

Phorbsie, try out them wax earplugs. You get about 8 pair for roughly 8-9 bucks and they will plug your ears good. Hopefully they don't block out fire alarms though.

The other thing would be to out-do the neighbours. I saw an episode of Sex and the City and Samantha did just that.

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Kept being awoke last night by a screaming drunk out on Queen Street, yelling violently "FUG YOU, YOU MOTHER FUGGERS, FUG YOU!!!!" Over and over and over. I figured the best way to get back to sleep was to go outside and beat him unconcious with my baseball bat, but alas, I'm not a violent person so I just couldn't do it. If I yelled back, I'm pretty sure I would have paid horribly. Kinda scary to tell the truth.

What did I expect though, moving to Queen St?

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