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Holy fack! Im watching the highlights (during the Leaf game) and seeing the habs get their second goal and I just get this feeling. I can see it in ther eyes. I shit you not - I felt it about to happen. Amazing!

BTW - Its hard to watch the Habs now without thinking of what Halak must be thinking.

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Guest Low Roller

The rumour-mongers at La Presse had the following bits of news to unveil:

- Montreal has apparently ordered equipment and jerseys for one Marian Hossa.

- Going the other way are Mark Streit and Micheal Ryder.

- Possibly a prospect or picks thrown in.

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The rumour-mongers at La Presse had the following bits of news to unveil:

- Montreal has apparently ordered equipment and jerseys for one Marian Hossa.

- Going the other way are Mark Streit and Micheal Ryder.

- Possibly a prospect or picks thrown in.

That rumour has been sticking around for quite awhile and doesn't seem to go away. Damn, I love this time of year.

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Guest Low Roller
The Marian Hossa Sweepstakes are on hold – for now.

Amid published reports out of Montreal, that the Canadiens have ordered equipment for Hossa in the event they secure his rights, and out of Ottawa, where the Senators are apparently in a holding pattern on Hossa, the focus in Atlanta today is strictly on the Thrashers' game tonight against Carolina.

Sources say Atlanta GM-head coach Don Waddell is in full coach mode today and won't be working the phones or advancing any trade talk for the talented winger who is likely to be dealt before Tuesday's NHL trade deadline.

But sources also told TSN that before Waddell resumes trade talk on Hossa, he wants to take one final stab at seeing if he can sign the winger to a contract extension. That effort, the source said, would likely take place on Friday. If it's unsuccessful, and Hossa himself has been quoted as saying it's a longshot he would re-sign in Atlanta before July 1, then Waddell will attempt to close a deal for Hossa this weekend.

Teams reportedly interested in Hossa include Montreal, Ottawa, New Jersey, Detroit and San Jose, amongst others.

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Chances are he would sign them as part of the trade agreement.

The chances are better that would have been a stupid trade on his part and he would never do it. Think about it. Of course every Habs fan would want that deal to come true. That's how you know it's total shit.

Amid published reports out of Montreal

That should have read "amid published BULLSHIT out of Montreal"

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Boochie you are just so angry sometimes. Just take a deep breath and relax. None of us know what will happen before Feb 26. However after that day we will all join in cheering the boys to the playoffs and hopefully a Stanley Cup bid.

Yes there are a lot of stupid fans and rumours but I have heard talk of this trade right out of Kirk's mouth. Some how I think he has an in ;)

Lets wait and see...

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