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The Habs are going with the same lineup tonight as they did against the Laughs on Saturday night.

Where's this guy when you need him???????


I think in most cases an Olympic gold or world championship would be the most satisfying - more so than winning a Stanley Cup. But winning a Stanley Cup with Montreal Canadiens - that is the most satisfying.

Loved #26 ... le premiere etoile a bunch of times that I got to see him at the old Forum back in the 80s.

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That ended up being a crazy finish. Lafleur is facked if he doesnt realize Koivu's presence on this team. That face-off win with 25 seconds to go at middle ice after Markov's goal was enough to prove he is the face of this team.

The team had a chance to pull out a tie thanks to his hard work.

Dull game in the long run. A Jacques Martin team that was skating well versus a some tepid play from the Carbo coached Habs. Certainly not the kind of series any hockey fan wants to see in the playoffs.

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Guest Low Roller

And the standings get even closer.

The Panthers absolutely choked any attempt at offense by the Habs by somehow always double teaming the puck carrier. Dull game to watch.

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Call me crazy but I was dulled again tonight. Carbo’s style of play when he was in the NHL is really coming into play this year. Much more than last. It’s like a boxer waiting for a misstep from his opponent. “Take all the weak jabs you want but I am going to hit you hard as soon as I can.†The only problem is that these Habs don’t own a killer counter punch.

Then again, I don’t know how I would get these guys to play either. Great pass from Koivu on the first goal by Lats and a possibly wickeder pass from Kovalev on Pleks goal to make it 2 nothing. Good thing it hit Kolzig’s skate because that thing weren’t going in hadn’tit.

Here’s a question though. Did RDS miss the third goal by the Habs? We flipped to the football game (there was a Rams fan visiting) and we came back to highlights of Huet saves and all of a sudden the Hab players were celebrating once the live action came on.

Habs Rumour Du Jour:

Price is heading to the minors (B1)

Hope you had a good time on St Catherines tonight Roller. I dont see how you couldnt have.

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Guest Low Roller

WOOT WOOT! Habs win!!

Huet saves and Tender scores. Sergei with #1 and Andrei with another point. Loving it.

Montreal is 100% crazy about the Habs, even when buried under mountains of snow.

The Habs had a three goal lead, yet why did I not have any sense of security???

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Guest Low Roller

Weird lines for tonight according to Habsinsideout.com:

Latendresse / Koivu / Little Tits

Kovalev / Plex / Big Tits

Higgins / Lapierre / Ryder

Streit / Kosto / Dandy

Chipchura sits (!) while Kosto plays centre on the fourth line. His faceoff percentage is a pitiful 16.7%.

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So I pretty much drank until 6:30am... slept for 1.5 hours and then went grocery shopping. I'm really going to regret this. As I look at the groceries around me all I see is liquids and junk food. A warning to all. DO NOT grocery shop for the week while still drunk.

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Guest Low Roller

I miss one day of surfing on the internetz, and the Habs recall Corey Locke... I never thought I would see the day. Just yesterday he got the imfamous honour of becoming the Bulldogs top point getter in history, which means only one thing: that you've played on the farm team for way too long.

He was drafted by the Habs in 2003 (4th round, 113th overall) along with Andrei Kostitsyn, Maxim Lapierre, Ryan O'Byrne, and Jaroslav Halak.

Good for him.

And if you think that the farm system is now bled dry, the Habs luckily can still call upon Jonathan Ferland, Duncan Milroy, Mikhail Grabovski, JP Cote, and Mathieu Biron. All five have NHL experience. Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that.

The Habs end their six game road trip 3-1-2 totalling 8 point out of a possible 12... That's pretty respectable! Too bad that they suck at home.

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Guest Low Roller

Ok, so I just read that Corey Locke didn't actually play because his equipment didn't arrive in New York. Ouch. That must suck. And now he needs to clear waivers to go back to Hamilton.

In other news, CAPTAIN KOVALEV??? Who would have predicted that one last year?


Bizarro Habs.

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Guest Low Roller

Koivu was out because of the flu so Carbs made Kovalev captain in recognition of his resurgent season.

Let's hope that Koivu isn't out with the dreaded ass-blaster flu that decimated the team last year.

Offer sheet by the Habs for Ovechkin (e6).

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