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Help: Torrent Program for Mac OSX Tiger


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I'll keep trying then... Not sure why it's not working.

I got a white mac book.. the second tier one with a DVD Burner and better processor. It's gorgeous.

they are nice indeed. the pro's make me drool. wow how geeky is that anyway? my wireless mouse kicked the bucket today with only 13 days to spare in my 1 year warranty. So, I'm going to get it fixed but it's now up for sale. I bought a wireless Mighty Mouse today. Man, is it ever nice to have the scroll button and the right click!

back to torrents. is azureus installing, or is it just not connecting to anything?

Are you behind a router? If so, you'll likely have to open ports. if that's the case, check out www.portforward.com for information on your particular router.

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sorry to hijack the thread (i hate when people do that), but I just have to say that this mighty mouse is changing my usage on the mac.

I can use it like I use my pc now! right clicking for menus, opening links in new tabs/windows, and that FRIKKEN SCROLL BUTTON! wow! This mouse is a must own for any windows user on a mac.

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