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Alfie trade rumours


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You have to think that as teams reach the 20 games played plateau that they better think of fixin' things that don't seem to be working. You don't want to waste more than a quarter of the regular season and jeopardize playoff positioning, or even missing them.

Buffalo is riding sweet with their start to the season. Like I heard one analyst comment, they could run out the rest of the season playing .500 hockey and still be in a good spot for the playoffs.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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My prediction? Even if Alfie gets traded Kanada Kev is still going to blame him for all of Ottawa's problems. ;)

LOL ... he's not the sole reason for Ottawa's "problems" I just don't think that he's doing much of anything for the team at all. We're not in the dressing room, but I have never heard much about Alfie's captain skills. There are many captains who haven't been big point getters on the ice, but their leadership abilities to motivate and encourage their teammates makes up for it. Is Alfie one of those? I don't know. Is he more of a captain because of his point getting ability from previous years.

Personally, I'd prefer to have a captain who can really be a leader and a motivator, not just a scoring talent.

For your Sens, why not go with NO captain for a while. See what cream rises to the top. Maybe Neil would wear it better? Maybe Heatley or Redden? Thoughts?

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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I think most fans (myself included) know shit about hockey and grasp at straws to try to express situations they don't understand.

If it's not "change the captain" it's "this team needs more grit" or "this team needs more veteran presence".

I don't get to see the players and what goes on nearly as much as the coaches and staff who work for the team. To pretend my opinion on the matter is even close to their level of expertise would be the height of arrogance.

So I'm just gonna watch the games, cheer on my team and let the chips lie where they fall.

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I'd take Sundin in a heartbeat over Alfie anyday. He's a much better, all-around player. Too bad he was stifled by the Quinn regime for the past bunch of years. Sundin is a wayyy bigger presence on the ice and can do a lot more than play on the PP. We all know what Alfie's PK skills are like ... remember that giveaway????? :P

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I don't get to see the players and what goes on nearly as much as the coaches and staff who work for the team. To pretend my opinion on the matter is even close to their level of expertise would be the height of arrogance.

Ollie, i agree with you. In no way was I implying that i *know* the ins and outs of any team or what goes on behind the scenes. I thought that was what I said. I was trying to raise the idea of what some of the other roles are of a captain. Not that they all have to be the same, or any of the skills are a requirement. It's just that you hear about other captains, current and historical, that are well known as motivators and leaders. The captain (as in the military) is a higher ranking player with more responsibility. I think that on many teams, the "C" is deemed necessary, when often it isn't. There are many coaches out there that do not need to have a player that is given that rank. That's why with some teams they have no "A" alternate captains, and some have a couple.

My suggestion for making Alfie NOT the captain was not meant to be arrogant, but just an idea. It can be an added pressure on some players that just doesn't help them when they really have to do their job.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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My suggestion for making Alfie NOT the captain was not meant to be arrogant, but just an idea. It can be an added pressure on some players that just doesn't help them when they really have to do their job.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that Kev, that was meant in relation to my own hockey knowledge. Not that I don't spout of my arrogant opinions from time to time, I just recognize them as such... sometimes. ;)

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If that is the case KK, maybe TO should consider taking the C away from Sundin. When they last made the Conference Finals in 2002 it was largely without him.

Just an idea................

And I'd have no problem with that. I think that it is something to be earned and also wanted. However, there have been numerous accounts on how much of a presence Sundin can be in the locker room and on the bench. In last night's game they showed a great shot of Maurice coaching the bench and then handing over the reigns to Sundin to add his 2 cents. The coach and captain working together is a very good thing. In times of trouble, when the coach can't get through to the players, it's also good to have a captain willing to head a "players only" meeting. Those require respect from the teammates though. Reasoning as to why the C can't just be given to anyone.

That year that Sundin was largely missing when they got to the Conference Finals it was the great motivator Gary Roberts who stepped-up and should have been wearing the C.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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I'm just being an ass here Kev if you want to know the truth. Regarding your suggestion, I think that the Sens management/coaching staff should reconsider who should be the captain but I certainly dont think they can strip it from Alfie during the season.

Either you trade him or wait until the off-season. Dallas took it away from Modano (which I thought was a terrible move) but he is quietly producing.

Thank God for Saku. That is all I have to say.

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I'm just being an ass here Kev if . . . I certainly dont think they can strip it from Alfie during the season.

Either you trade him or wait until the off-season. Dallas took it away from Modano (which I thought was a terrible move) but he is quietly producing.

Ass? No! :P I hear ya. Your points are totally legit. Stripping the "C" mid-season is a real last-ditch effort. Doesn't look good if you're trying to market the player to other teams. Keeping the "C" on him artificially inflates his value if he's not producing. It's either that, or you just tell everyone that "C" is for "Crusty" . Great example with Modano.

Thank God for Saku. That is all I have to say.

Koivu is one incredible individual. Keep him healthy, keep him protected, don't let him leave! Great central figure to be the hub of the team.

Saku Koivu = Hub of the Habs :)

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About the original thread: No doubt they will consider it... Ottawa Senators play "Money Ball" with their players (with the salary cap, everyone now have to play moneyball "ala the Oakland Athletics"), with what he's making and how he's producing it's gotta be on the table. What will they get? Well there's only one real way to find out... so no doubt there are rumours, because the people who can pull the trigger are probably testing the waters as we speak. The Sens need more production it will be good for the team. Hopefully it comes from Alfredsson himself, but he played ridiculous minutes, and on the PP, and didn't get anything done. He says he feels fine. I mean, you gotta weigh your options, and Alfie's carrying alot of burden right now...

In the new slaray cap era, you either got to trade dollar for dollar, so he could go for an underachiever somewhere else (maybe like a Keith Tkachuk or the like), or they just give him up for nothing... seriously hurting the short term, but allowing the sens to go after a tasty free agent, or even a tastier UFA next year!!!

Bottom line is I hope Alfie is the guy... but the stats don't lie... even Spezza with all his glaring mistakes isn't playing as poorly on the stats sheet as alfie. Fisher plays just as well if not better, and makes a fraction...


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