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Dylan in London


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anyone else go? I really enjoyed the show, pretty standard set. Bob's on keyboards (and harp) throughout the whole show, backed up by an excellent band. Opened with Maggie's Farm, and treated us to a range of tunes, old and brand new. Tweedle Dee is a fun tune that almost got the conservative crowd going, but alas, didnt. Overall, an A- (mostly because we had excellent seats and its fun to see Bob almost look at the crowd).

The Foo Fighters opened, and were very impressive. I'd never seen them live before and had always just figured they were a toss-away band, but Grohl's the real deal. This was an acoustic set for them and they were very warmly welcomed by a crowd that seemed to be there to see them just as much as Dylan. The highlight of the evening, and perhaps one of the greatest single moments I have ever seen in concert was his solo version of Best of You. Utterly spine tingling. BE SURE to get there to see this!

I think a lot of people were either late for, or completely missed the show due to a big pile-up on the 401 from TO. We got inside just as the Foo's took the stage, despite leaving more than an hour early. Peace to the people in the munched cars.

Dylan Setlist, courtesy of BobLinks (Bill Pagel)

1. Maggie's Farm

2. She Belongs To Me

3. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

4. Girl Of The North Country

5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

6. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)

7. Not Dark Yet

8. Rollin' And Tumblin'

9. Masters Of War

10. Desolation Row

11. Highway 61 Revisited

12. Nettie Moore

13. Summer Days


14. Thunder On The Mountain

15. Like A Rolling Stone

16. All Along The Watchtower

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You almost echo my sentiments from Friday. Dylan is Dylan and he did what I expected. as such I enjoyed him.

But as you mentioned the Foo's really took me by surprise. I don't own a Foo CD, that is about to change. I am going to pick up the Live Album tomorrow. Dave Grohl really showed himself that night. Good on him.

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But as you mentioned the Foo's really took me by surprise. I don't own a Foo CD, that is about to change. I am going to pick up the Live Album tomorrow. Dave Grohl really showed himself that night. Good on him.

I'm in the same boat. Don't own any of their CDs. Have always enjoyed the "hits" that have gotten radio play ("Learning To Fly" is an excellent song). But know, as with so many quality bands, that their really good stuff doesn't get on the air.

I am as excited to experience the Foos as I am in seeing Dylan yet again. Both in different ways. Thanks to Dylan (or whomever) got these interesting opening acts on this leg of the tour.

What time did the Foo Fighters come on???

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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Dylan is Dylan and he did what I expected. as such I enjoyed him.

well said :)

as to other's common complaint of him being "off" or "bad", I think thats just a matter of personal opinion, mood, seat, etc. Yes, his vocals are often weak, he's not the best keyboard player in the world, his interaction with the crowd is zero ... but he's Bob Freakin' Dylan!! If anyone has earned the right to approach his perfomance on stage as he sees fit, he has.

and fwiw, he WAS into the show on Friday. we were close enough to see him smiling to band members, nodding to give solo's, mocking sour notes, etc.

the man ain't gonna tapdance on a trampoline. he's just gonna play live some of the greatest songs ever written.

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i didnt like this show at all.

i missed the second drummer and extra guitar player that i saw last time around... this band sounded like watered down blues for soft rock stations... some neat arrangements, but.....

i think i caught myself nodding off almost half a dozen times.

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The Foo Fighters opened, and were very impressive. I'd never seen them live before and had always just figured they were a toss-away band, but Grohl's the real deal. This was an acoustic set for them and they were very warmly welcomed by a crowd that seemed to be there to see them just as much as Dylan. The highlight of the evening, and perhaps one of the greatest single moments I have ever seen in concert was his solo version of Best of You. Utterly spine tingling. BE SURE to get there to see this!

totally agree. best of you was amazing. very impressed with them.

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i didnt like this show at all.

i missed the second drummer and extra guitar player that i saw last time around... this band sounded like watered down blues for soft rock stations... some neat arrangements, but.....

i think i caught myself nodding off almost half a dozen times.

I totally agree with you. Sorry we missed you buddy; it would have been great to catch up and tip back a few pints!

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So we missed the Foo Fighters (well we caught the last three songs from the lobby) because of terrible traffic. Didn't really care though...the Foo's just are not my cup of tea, and my parents didn't even know who they were...

I actually really enjoyed the show...I too had good seats...3rd row directly in front of Bob...sat beside someone from Kitchener too...anyone fron this board? Should have asked him when I was there but I kinda get into a zone at shows. I thought he (Bob) was having a really good time up there and I loved the song choices...Masters of War, Desolation Row, Highway 61 was a fun three in a row, and I really loved Summer Days...really kicked it into gear. Girl of the North Country was a nice surprise too. I thought his band were at the very least very talented musicians, (though they didn't do all that much for me) and I have not seen him since 1991 so I don't know the two drummer line-up (well there might have been two drummers in '91, but my memory from that year is pretty much gonzo). I thought Bob's voice was pretty damn good, and from where I was sitting the keys were so low in the mix that I could barely hear them (good or bad?). I love his re-invention of his songs (again haven't seen him in 15 years...may not be new to some of you folk), and bottom line, it kept me dancing through the whole show (well my version of dancing which involves a lot of head bobbing and air drumming!). Our section of the crowd stayed standing through the whole show, and seemed really into it which is nice to see. One thing though...why fucking tease us with the fucking acoustic guitar sitting in front of his keyboard set up?? I was really hoping that he would use it (even though I don't think he has used it at all on this tour...).

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I actually really enjoyed the show...I too had good seats...3rd row directly in front of Bob...

i think where one was sitting made a big difference - generally does at most shows. we were also in the 3rd row center on the floor. being able to see Bob's up close like that was great.

here's the Globe and Mail review of the show.

he's right - Bob switched up most arrangements, making some chestnuts unrecognizable. but, im of the opinion that I pay to see the guy perform how HE wants not, not how I want him to, so that was super duper with me. this is one of those shows that will become better as you listen to it again later.

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There's no denying Dylan gives an extremly weak effort. But, he'll never be who I want him to be. I think he works harder at being what the audience doesn't want then what they do want. That's a pretty good show in itself. The JLC gig was really quite a challenging piece of performance art which frustrated me and forced me to think negative thoughts about my hero while I stared at his ass. Tough love. He hates me and I'll go back for more.

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yes I've heard him before. It takes very little effort to mumble and slur though. I don't think he carried any melodies either. Giving a weak effort is his style and I love him for it. Have you ever seen a weaker effort by anyone other than Dylan himself? He's the best.

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The fact he didn't play the album versions means he arranged them earlier. He didn't move and he didn't ennunciate - they would have had to wheel him out sleeping in a cot for him to give a weaker effort.

Dylan does not "move", which, in itself, doesnt mean a "weak effort" in my mind. And, yeah, he's not exactly known for his diction, again, not a "weak effort". When I said weak vocals earlier, I meant he doesnt belt it out, which I kinda assumed people would know is a given - but yes, it's also something that a lot of people are very quick to jump on, especially those who have not seen him too many times.

Im quite certain that anyone in the first few rows who could see the man clearly would agree that this was hardly a "weak effort". He was lucid, attentive to his bandmates, and as energetic as Dylan ever gets. But no, this aint no Cher show with dancing girls and big videos.

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When Dylan gave a little more effort and played guitar he would at the very least rotate at the hips sometimes, or turn around to nod at a bandmate, or step away from the mike, or maybe he would reach his arm across the guitar to the tuning pegs and twist them, tuning. He leaned on that keyboard Friday night like it was his walker and his life support. He moved as little as anyone could possibly move.

I admit he gave a tremendous amount of effort when he wrote the songs and when he wedged himself into those pants.

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For $80 it would have been nice to hear what Bob was saying. The show kinda lost a bit of the imagery because of that, but I don't think it was a "weak performance" by any means. It is amazing to watch a great song writer and band leader interact with his bandmates. The show had a great flow to it. The whole floor stood motionless the entire time.


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I love this! :o

What other performer can provoke such strong disagreement about their performance? I really cannot disagree with most of what ya'll have reported, I'm just interpreting it quite differently. This is a very typical post-show Dylan discussion. Cheers!

ps, fwiw, he did nod at Denny at least four times during the show. ;)

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I love him. Give me 10 implied verses of Desolation Row anytime. It's all right ma, I'm only pretending to play the song.

I paid $80, I would have paid $180.

Hey! I just made a hundred bucks! I've got to get it to Dylan somehow...

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