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Hamilton: Di Ianni Defeated


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I think it's fabulous that Eisenberger was able to win despite the fact that he refused to accept any corporate or union campaign contributions (which is more than can be said of a certain someone...)

From the little research that I did do Eisenberger has a fairly impressive background when it comes to environmental issues (particularly when it comes to improving quality of life along the harbourfront). What secured my vote was his extensive involvement in other committees, forums etc. (both governmental and non) that play a huge role in making the Hammer a more liveable city. Lot of work ahead though, that's for sure!

It will be interesting to see how he handles this position. Definitely not an easy job to balance all of the conflicting interests within our city. But traditionally the "growth-machine" has had a substantial concentration of political power in this city, so I am happy to see that our system isn't entirely corrupt.

I was really (delightfully) surprised by this victory by the way...

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I was really (delightfully) surprised by this victory by the way...

Me too. He's a friend of Leanne's family and she can't say enough good things about Fred. She's known him forever.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for some new ideas regarding downtown revival and the environment. Brian was re-elected in my ward as well so I'm looking forward to having him bending Fred's ear about environmental issues.

Could this mean a positive change for Hamilton?

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Yeah, McHattie was a landslide (no real surprise there)...

Rob Pasuta won for my ward. He "seems" to have a fairly good grip on the importance of sustainable rural/urban interrelationships. He also opposed the quarry, and the farmers seem to trust him, which is essential.

If only Julia Kollek had gotten in for the Dundas ward (she was close). Unfortunatley she fell shortly behind Russ Powers (no offense Scottie... wherever you are...) But yeah, if she had won then we surely would have seen a dramatic shift in the climate of local council.

Hopefully the scale has been tipped enough nonetheless... We'll see...

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Yeah, McHattie was a landslide (no real surprise there)...

You know, prior to the campaign I would have agreed with you but he really was out-campaigned in this ward. Well, that is if you think that signs are any indication of campaign success. Brian even made reference to it himself when he was commenting on his victory. Something to the effect of "Mr. Tony" having a really competent campaign staff that succeeded in getting the signs along the main streets in the highly-visible areas. Anyway, I'm glad Brian won. He's a real nice guy and has a great attitude about the environment.

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good news all around. D'Ianni was a sleazy dude and I certainly wasn't happy years back when he beat Christopherson.

I'm not holding my breath for a birsk overhaul of the downtown core - I think a lot of those problems are out of the mayor's hands, although some good things could be done.

It takes a special mayor to get people off crack cocaine. Or just regular old cocaine for that matter.

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I think it's pretty funny because I didn't even know anything about Fred Eisenburger (sp?) until like.. thursday. Now he's the mayor :D

I think it's pretty clear that everyone in Hamilton really didn't like what DiIanni was doing. I really hope that this change will be a good one. It's been a little while since I've been happy about someone getting elected :D

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I emailed McHattie last year when I lived near Mac - regarding hugh potholes on our dimly lit street, and a debris filled bike lane on the huge downhill path on Wilson St. E > Main St. W

he replied personally within 24 hours and my requests were filled before the end of that week! He mentioned that he was an avid bicycle rider - so maybe thats why he acted so fast. but its good to know there are some bike-friendly thinkers in city hall

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It is important to note though that Eisenberger won by less than 500 votes. He does not enter office with an overwhelming mandate from the voters. This easily could have gone the other way.

Having said that, Eisenberger managed to pull off those extra 500 votes with considerable less financing and corporate support than D'Ianni. Fred refused to receive corporate or union funds. Very impresive taken in that light!

uh, don't we have a politics section? That stupid, stupid politics section?

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