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So I'm looking for work here in Milton and my resume is pretty much all factory/warehouse/machinist stuff. I've worked in ONE office before and really enjoyed it. I've done office work for other companies from home as well. So I see a job posting for an administrative receptionist position. It doesn't require any experience, just general knowledge of computers. So I write up this bitchin' cover letter to send off with my resume and they call me yesterday. I wasn't in and my mother took a message saying "He's not in right now, can I get HIM to call you back". For those who don't know my name is Aaron, you would think people would know that women spell their name Erin. So he left his phone number and asked that I call him back. I called back 20 minutes after he called me, his secretary said he was in a meeting and gave me his voice mail. I left a very polite message on there and the dude never called me back.

I've encountered this problem before. I have never been able to get my foot in the door for data entry positions, receptionist positions basically anything that isn't in a filthy factory. I may just paranoid here but I think the guy who called me thought he was calling a 26 year old woman. When he found out I'm a man he suddenly lost interest. This is such bullshit.

This is the place I was applying to Job Op

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I can't speak specifically to whether or not these employers were discriminating against you because you are male, but I can tell you that I've worked at an office where the opposite was true. The senior person at that firm (who was a woman, by the way) had an unofficial policy that, given the choice, she would always hire a young man over a young woman for any clerical position, because she had hired too many young women who left for maternity leave early on.

Of course, that policy itself is discriminatory, and certainly not justifiable legally, but I know for a fact that at least one office operated that way.

The point is that discrimination cuts both ways.

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