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Yay! I broke my first drumstick!


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I was just downstairs playing along with some Albert Collins, wondering how drummers ever play hard enough to actually break their sticks, when I actually broke a stick. Cool, I thought; good thing I'm not actually a real drummer playing in front of people right now.

This, less than a week after I broke my first guitar string in, what, it must have been about five years. Maybe I'm subconsciously rediscovering my Who roots somehow. Or maybe stress from work and life is having its way with me.

So anyway, drummers, are there any things I should look for when going out to buy new sticks? Any favourite brands, or other criteria?

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I personally love the Vic Firth brand. I play 5A or 5A extremes because they're a little longer, but it's a matter of personal preference, whatever feels right to you. You might have to go through a few to figure that out. Some thicker drumsticks will give you cramps in your hands.

Hope this helps!

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Go to a store with a good selection of sticks and spend some time trying a variety of sizes on a practice pad. Look for comfort in weight, length and diameter. Tip shape can be important, too. Let the staff make suggestions, but reserve the decision for yourself.

Don't be led by brand names or advertising.

Buy a few different sizes, and brands. Your taste in sticks will likely change over time, so enjoy the hunt.

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i personally like the vic firths aswell. I usually use 5b sized stick but every once in a while like to switch to the 5a. I lack on practice these days but i find practicing with a thicker and heavier sized drumstick than what you would normally play with helps strengthen my hands. You will really feel a difference when you go back to your original size.

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Thanks for all this, good peeps :) !

It's wonderful how trying to get my head (and body) around this instrument has really been opening up another dimension of the music I listen to and play.

(Parenthetically - I always loved that little clip on an episode of WKRP where you catch Les Nesmann delivering the news about a country whose leader promised free elections as soon as every citizen learned to play a musical instrument :) ).

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