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MPAA trying to shutdown the home theatre


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Well, class rooms were basically shut-down from showing films many years ago. However, schools are a lot easier to regulate.

Isn't trying to shut-down home theatre movie nights similar to trying to stop people from having parties with your favourite CD's blaring in the background though your stereo.

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meh - C+ effort for humor. A bit of stretch for anyone to really believe this right?

BBspot is a satirical news and comedy source and meant to be funny. If you are easily offended, gullible or don't have a sense of humor we suggest you go elsewhere.

Just be glad, we don't have to personally pay licensing for TV, like in the UK.

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I think licensing television and radio would be a great way for media to have avoided the capitalization it underwent years ago.

If there were an extra stream of revenue then radio and television stations wouldn't have to go to the lengths they have to ensure their advertising was so effective...or at least tries to be.

We'd possibly have far more challenging content.

Not that british pop is any less tawdry and useless as the rest of the pop world, but it's at least more interesting than much of what we hear.

public channels would be free.

You'd have to pay for what's popular.

I think far more people would be listening to CBC if we'd have adopted that ethos years ago.

Same line of thinking as SOCAN fees in bars. The fees would be able to offset artists' poverty. As much as there's a lot of money floating around in film and tv land, there are a lot of productions that have made no money which has driven their creative elements to get regular joe jobs.

Sorry, no explicit examples...all officially here say as usual...

Too bad it would mean we'd have to pay more money.

If this licensing fee would not be end-user based it would work better. If there was a creative/artist tax on every piece of electronic equipment that went to one central fund for independant creative arts in Canada it would likely be able to work.

So for a ten thousand dollar television, what's another few hundred bucks?

on a $50 radio what's a twoonie?

money manufacturers would scrutinize over. Big business would have to answer to the little guy.

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