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need your help/advice, please


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hey everybody,

in your opinion, which venue would you enjoy being at more for a show? the el macambo or reverb? (in toronto) if you know of any pertinent pluses or minuses for either, it would be really helpful (people in the US who have never been to either are trying to decide which one to book).


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Hey P.P.

My band Electric Meat just played the Reverb - it is a big room, so if you're not going to draw that well it may seem kinda' empty. The Reverb s also a bit gothish....easy jto ignore but a bit weird.

The Elmo is apparently a great room since they re-opened, I haven't played there for a few years but it has the "legendary" status aswell.

Either would be ok...The Reverb probably calls for 3 bands.

cheers jon

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Hey Palace Princess!

The Reverb use to be The Big Bop... I can't remember at all what it looks like on the inside (much of those days are blurry) but I swear we've been to a couple parties there way back when. Most everyone I've talked to say the same thing, "It's HUGE!"

The El Macambo on the other hand sounds perfect... more of a jam hall which is the style of place you're looking for.

You can check out their site:


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Yup, the new El Mo set-up kicks ass, although I think the Reverb is still bigger. The Reverb stage is also VERY wide, so if you had like a big band with horns or something it might be better. Plus the current booker Brendan is a very nice guy, you can find his info at:


Personally I've never dealt with the new El Mo, but I'd echo others in saying that it's overall a nicer venue.


Mr. M.

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