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The Hellfire boys and I are sitting here and variously plotting demises etc. etc. We've gotten on to the general issue of the malaise which has set in on the board as of late. This is also known as burnout, or clinically amotivational syndrome. Combined with changes in barometric pressure this synergistic effect can become lethal on otherwise patchouli oil biotoxicaccumaled ponzers.

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Originally posted by kung:

The Hellfire boys and I are sitting here and variously plotting demises etc. etc. We've gotten on to the general issue of the malaise which has set in on the board as of late.

Ah well kung, rather than pondering the malaise, you should have been at Pepper Jacks in Hamilton tonight to celebrate along with the rest of us. I'm only home "early" 'cus my ride wanted to leave. A great, great night of music and good friends. Wish you were there!!!


Mr. M.

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Shows what you know butt monkey tyrant. I was at that motherfuckin' Jerry Bash. I got tricked into that shit under the assumption that it was a Phil Collins birthday celebration. I heard assorted rumours that there would be a full rendition of Genesis'Lambs Lay Down On Broadway. As soon as I figured I wasn't going to here Pseudio I was outsville. There is no joy in Steeltown mighty kung has struck out.

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Originally posted by kung:

Shows what you know butt monkey tyrant. I was at that motherfuckin' Jerry Bash. I got tricked into that shit under the assumption that it was a Phil Collins birthday celebration. I heard assorted rumours that there would be a full rendition of Genesis'
Lambs Lay Down On Broadway
. As soon as I figured I wasn't going to here Pseudio I was outsville. There is no joy in Steeltown mighty kung has struck out.

Awww, Kung, too bad I seriously wanted to meet you! Ah well next time dude.

And hey, if anyone ever IS planning a Phil Collins Birthday Party, let me know!!! I've already got my set planned out:


Squonk >

Firth Of Fifth

Groovy Kind Of Love >

You Can't Hurry Love

Carpet Crawlers

Take Me Home

FYI Phil's birthday is January 31st... think Pepper Jacks is free? [Wink]


Mr. M.

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Hey man, if you're serious I'm there! [big Grin] I'll have to talk to the guys in my band and such, but they'd probably be into it. We've actually been looking for an excuse to play Mama for years, I've even got my own version of the main pattern programmed into my drum machine. We might have to negotiate on the other tunes, but yeh I'm pretty positive they'd do it.

Seeing as Hamilton is closer to your turf, would you wanna be the booker-promoter-type guy? Also, what other bands could we get to play this?

- M.

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I'm actually serious, we could do it in Guelph though. I have plans to start doing at least a monthly showcase sort of thing at the Trasheteria. People in Guelph seem to have trouble paying to see live music, partly because Jimmy Jazz books alot of our great bands and doesn't charge cover- but multi-band bills are doing well. I'd like to do a special Halloween show in the spirit of the old school PF Station style mash up. So maybe the Phil thing could be your bands musical costume and others could pick theirs and make an evening of it. I've been itching to start my Ween cover band to Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese

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Originally posted by kung:

I'm actually serious, we could do it in Guelph though. I have plans to start doing at least a monthly showcase sort of thing at the Trasheteria. People in Guelph seem to have trouble paying to see live music, partly because Jimmy Jazz books alot of our great bands and doesn't charge cover- but multi-band bills are doing well. I'd like to do a special Halloween show in the spirit of the old school PF Station style mash up. So maybe the Phil thing could be your bands musical costume and others could pick theirs and make an evening of it. I've been itching to start my Ween cover band to Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese

That could be fun! I hear you about Guelph, I love that town but we usually play at Bubba's and there's no cover there either - makes for a, well let's say sometimes "interesting" mix of people who are actually there to hear music vs. people who are there to play pool and getting stupid with their friends on a Friday. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for playing pool and getting stupid, but it's sometimes hard when you're the band and the pool table is 10 feet from the stage. We had a minor scene there last time with someone in our band getting upset at some of the patrons... anyway, yeh by having a cover and people who pay to see music, usually you're avoiding that kind of ugliness.

Anyway if it's not a Phil Collins or Genesis night per say we might want to pick a different band to cover, avoiding the obvious Dylan/Dead/Beatles-type tributes that everyone does - which are great but I think you're talking about something different here. We actually had a great time in Toronto a couple of years back doing an acoustic Sting/Police night at Free Times.

Perhaps we could have some kind of theme? If you had a band doing Ween, perhaps we could do, I dunno, maybe They Might Be Giants or Primus or something like that? Or you could have a prog rock theme, have bands doing Genesis, Yes, ELP, King Crimson, whoever. What do you think?

- M.

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That sounds so good to my ears. MK often reminds me though 'you do know how lazy musicians are right?' If someone could pull off Primus or anything as complex as that I'd say do it, Crimson shit yeah. 21st Century Schizoid Man on Halloween- oh yeah. Oftentimes I think Ween is a good choice because a loose ensemble could even learn a few at least to hack them off and if you botch it then it's part of the show. Pavement likewise is deceptively simple musically- deceptively.

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Toss me your email musicface (mine is lukebowden@rogers.com) I think I should book this for Halloween. Stevie and Talking Heads are so on the top of my books that I have a small phone book of chords and lyrics of all their material sitting here. My big Stevie tunes lately are: As, I Believe, We Can Work It Out, Pastime Paradise....

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