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Huge ice shelf breaks free in Canada's far north


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sunshine = weather

weather does not equal climate

isolated events such as a warm spell are not harbingers of global warming.

(i am not a naysayer, just think that confusing issues helps no-one)

sorry, AD...not at all meaning to confuse the issue.

i have no problem with the sunshine, i do however worry when it's 8C outside in January with no significant snowfall yet. there are reports of animals engaging in spring mating behaviour, while other animals wander around scratching their heads wondering where the snow is and how they are going to store food without the freezer that nature provides them every year.

i agree that wrm spells are normal and not harbingers of doom, but other than a brief spell in november, this "winter" has been one long warm spell.

colour me worried.

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I think we will be in for a shock in the spring when our gardens are all facked. Trees and flowers still have buds, and they have not been insulated for the winter.

I have several different plants and grasses that are well into their spring growth in my backyard. I'm not sure what they're going to do if winter comes calling. If it stays at 8C all winter long, I'm planing a few palm trees next year.

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professor on cbc radio one in ottawa is saying that the ice shelf collapse discussed above is due to an abnormally warm august 2005 (when the shelf collapsed). it was local though, the rest of the arctic was at average temperature.

the ice shelf and global warming are two separate issues, they are just more noticeable in the same area of the world.

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Climate change has occured as long as the Earth has existed. What we don't know for sure is how much stress 6 billion plus people is putting on the Earth. This population level and energy comsumption is unprecidented. Factor that with natural occuring events and it's a crap shoot.

I just don't think any of it is good.

Today I fed some ducks near my work. Seems to me they should be gone by now.

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I woke up this morning to the sound of rain and found it really, really... well, "troubling" isn't strong enough. I think of what our kids will be experiencing after we're gone, and their kids....

Getting governments to get in on dealing with all this must be analogous to getting someone to quit smoking after the first signs of cancer. "Just one more pack?"

But of course, what am I saying; we know that the science behind the tobacco-cancer link was inconclusive, too, and only intended to hurt big industry.

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