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Great day! I've been fired!


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I'm having the best day; and I mean that literally.

I have the most annoying client, who I had planned to "fire" today, for many reasons. I simply can't act for him/her any longer.

There are some problems with doing this, though, because lawyers are under a duty to continue to represent a client under some circumstances, so you have to be very careful when "firing" such a client.

Today, I received an email from said client. The client is firing me!

A nice gift for the weekend, indeed.

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Good one Stn Mtn!

As a principal. I would occasionally get a parent who wanted to be a complete asshole about something. They would eventually get so pissed off at me that they would threaten to move their child to another school. Always broke my heart when they played that card.

Enjoy your weekend!

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We had aconsultant here the other day and she was saying she dreaded her next meeting because she was going to have to fire a client of hers. That must be such an odd feeling to have. She was happy to do it, just not looking forward to the inevitable "why?"

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Today, I received an email from said client. The client is firing me!

same as me the city hit my home with a 20 ton grader in 2002

they took me to court as i would not take 12,000

go back on january 30th again

they took me to court how friggen bad is the justice system, i hope the judge slams the city so hard ,as i now have a polish lawyer

oop,s i love my city , yah like i love the city mayor

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