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oh my god!

this just made my fucking day!!!!!!

he reminds me of Jeff Spiccoli (wonder if he can do the shoe to the head thing as good as you Booche???)


Winning bidder will take ownership of my:

- Name

- Phone number

- All my possessions which includes the following

- Clothes,

- Roughly 300 CDs

- Surfboard

- Laptop (minus certain information with my discretion),

- Pushbike (Has wonky handlebars, may need some work)

- Books,

- Bed

- CD player

- Backpack

- Tennis racquets

- Golf Clubs(which you will have no idea how to use)

- Childhood photos

- Skateboard

- Nice lamp which your ex-girlfriend bought you.

- You will have new parents to have Christmas with & birthday presents from friends.

- A birthday party will also be organised for you.

you know, despite the wonky bike handlebars, this seems like a pretty good deal. But if you read closely, you realize you also have to take on 2 nemeses as well as...."some tension with a former ex from a painful breakup which must be inherited."

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