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Keller's new disc is truly a dream!


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Keller has a new disc called "Dream". I can see why. Check out this list of special guests and what they contributed:

modereko - celebrate your youth

this interpretation actually came out first , in all of its 6 minute glory, on “solar igniter†by modereko. i chopped it down to four minutes in my pipe dream hopes of getting radio play. i highly recommend buying “solar igniter†from modereko as it is music for cool people and since you are reading this, you fall into this category.

bob weir - cadillac

recording at bob weir’s house in california was by far the most surreal trip of this project. the fact that he agreed to do it was beyond cool, but to invite me to his home studio was unexpected to say the least. it’s no secret that i love to cover dead songs, so to hear bob sing my lyrics is a dream come true.

michael franti - ninja of love

when it comes to energy and stage presence, michael franti is a true inspiration. it is almost impossible for me to sit, much less stand still, when he is on stage. the man brings the funk.

charlie hunter,

kiwi and the apricot - slo mo balloon

for some reason unbeknownst to me, charlie hunter agreed to be a part of this project. was it because we share a booking agency and he couldn’t succumb to the guilt of not doing it? no. was it because i’m a super fan and i have every record he's ever recorded and mention his name in almost every interview i've done in the past 5 years? i doubt it. maybe he really liked and believed in the songs. probaly not. for whatever reason he decided to do it, i'm extremely grateful.

bela fleck,

victor wooten,

jeff sipe - people watchin’

if there was ever a dream rhythm section for me, this would be it. jeff sipe on drums and victor wooten on bass. i was first exposed to jeff sipe way back in the days of col. bruce hampton and the aquarium rescue unit, which by the way if you haven't checked out, don't delay…do it today.

being able to hear béla fleck playing on something that i made up was a dream that i didn't think would come true, and i was surprised when it did. from new grass revival to the flecktones, béla has become earth's premier banjo player. speaking of the flecktones, the words “victor wooten†and “supreme bass player of the milky way†often share the same sentence as well.

fareed haque - cookies

fareed haque appears courtesy of magnatude records and is associate professor of guitar at northern illinois university. fareed plays a stromburg electric guitar as well as a guitar (cross between a guitar and sitar) made by kim schwartz. if you are not hip to his music, check out anything by garaj mahal or the fareed haque group

martin sexton - rainy day

in my opinion, martin sexton is one of the most underrated solo acts ever in the history of solo acts. why he is not more famous and all over the radio is a mystery to me. his guitar is tasteful and full of warm tone and his voice carries a strong soulful pitch that is easily said to be perfect.

the string cheese incident -

sing for my dinner

the string cheese incident has been a part of my extended family since 1997. it was then that i started opening for them in actual music venues as opposed to restaurants, coffee shops and street corners that i was accustomed to. by opening for the band so many times in so many places, i received national exposure and for that i am forever in their debt.

steve kimock, john molo - twinkle

this track is a direct result of a dream that i had of being a bass player in a guitar trio. i first heard steve kimock and john molo when they were playing with phil lesh and friends on the “summer sessions†tour in 1999.. john's drumming was so in the pocket and steve's tones were so perfect that i was an instant fan. the following few years, i became acquainted with john molo by working with modereko on their “solar igniter†record.

john scofield - got no feathers

there are a few guitar players in my music collection that i feel have a distinct, signature sound. john scofield is one of those players.

fleming mcwilliams - slo mo balloon

fleming mcwilliams has the type of voice that i can listen to all day and i did. the fleming and john record “delusions of grandeur†was in heavy rotation in my truck for a long time. from rock to folk to opera her voice can go many places. here she adapts to the laidbackness of the tune and blends ever so sweetly.

sanjay mishra,

samir chatterjee - lil’ sexy blues

i first heard sanjay mishra from the record he did with jerry garcia called “blue incantationâ€. it turned out we had a mutual friend in brad taishoff. he not only hooked me up with sanjay and samir chattergee but also with modereko (celebrate your youth). true tabla players are few and far between so it was a real treat to work with samir, the chemistry between he and sanjay was something to behold.

Here's a podcast of Keller talking about this.

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I've become a huge keller fan as of late...took me a while...to come around to this point...but lately I cant get enough...

Thanks for posting this, I was clueless to this new release...but think I just may have to go pick this up before I leave for Cincy today...be some great cruisin' music as I get pumped to see DSO and MOE. this weekend


peace y'all!

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martin sexton - rainy day

in my opinion, martin sexton is one of the most underrated solo acts ever in the history of solo acts. why he is not more famous and all over the radio is a mystery to me. his guitar is tasteful and full of warm tone and his voice carries a strong soulful pitch that is easily said to be perfect.

Ain't that the truth! I heard him for the first time this summer from friends in Vancouver, and I was blown away! Beautiful stuff!

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I should say that I cannot take credit for that comment. It was made by my good friend, "Dancing Fool" from the upstreamentertainment.com board (as well as being my friend in real-life of course). DF wrote that quoted comment above, and he really knows his music; from about the 1940's or 50's to today, and from every corner of the world.

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