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MP3.COM founder responds to Steve Jobs


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from michaelrobertson.com

First let me say that your iTunes/iPod success is unprecedented and awe

inspiring to me. Your impact on digital music is astounding. I read


letter to the

music industry and wanted to respond. It's great seeing the #1 DRM

vendor in

the world acknowledging that DRM is an issue. I've been talking about


since I founded

so it's nice to

finally have someone with your prominence raising awareness on this

topic (read


Nothing - the highest rated blog post I've ever written).

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As a side note Apple and Steve jobs have not paid a penny for may music sold on iTunes in Canada.

This has happened because there is no established/legal royalty rate for on-line sales in Canada. It is being litigated as we speak. In the meantime Apple has sold a billion sons and refuses to pay even the standard CD rate. Thier arrogance in this matter is currently causing the CMRRA and CMPA (the two bodies that represent music publishing and licnesing in Cananda) to possibly pull the plug on them until the pay at least the standard mechanical royalty rate.

As it stands Apple is fleecing the Canadian music industry and it's artists.

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one of the biggest dickheads I ever met was in the "business" of copywriting and publishing music... a more soulless paper pusher I've yet to meet... horrorshow

if I like your music, I'll buy your CD... if someone downloads your music off my website then buys your CD I'm not sure I should be paying you... the internet is a broader minded spectrum for showcasing any band's music than radio ever was... time for a new pecking order with new rules

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It's true, getting money from iTunes in Canada is like pulling teeth sometimes. Aggregates are helping, as their contracts are in sort of a direct-debit system where downloads are automatically credited. They, however, cost 15% of total revenue for bands and their management systems. Whichever way, being a musician ain't profitable.

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