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Jesus Camp


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I just watched this last night and found it to be more frightening then any horror film I've ever seen.

Has anyone else seen this?

Some of that was just plain child abuse. Some of those kids were really smart too. They were just trying so hard to impress the authority figures around them. The one little girl who would take it upon herself to walk up to complete strangers and deliver messages from GOd made me want to throw up. Why would anyone encourage that?

And that hideous beast of a woman that ran the camp. Arrgghhhh. Spending 10 minutes putting hairspray in her hair and then coming out on stage and making little kids cry for not being perfect. Horrible.

This movie made me hope for tornados in Missuri.

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Yelling at young children until they cry, telling them they are evil and going to burn in hell for being human, making them pray over a cardboard cutout of W.

Birdy this is intense stuff. It reminded me of clips I've seen of Nazi youth camps, except the Nazi kids were smiling. Not to say that these evangelists are Nazi's, but the brain washing techniques used are very similar.

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ok.. i'll check it out.

sorry if i'm skeptical. just seems that in this forum there is a lot of talk about the crazy things Christians do, and little talk about all the other horrifying things that happen in the world.

i know evangelicals are scary evil dictators, but they're not alone in the world... i find it interesting that their bedfellows don't get too much airtime. maybe just a north american sociological trend... who knows!

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i know evangelicals are scary evil dictators, but they're not alone in the world... i find it interesting that their bedfellows don't get too much airtime. maybe just a north american sociological trend... who knows!

I suspect you're right. Any time a group has that collective piece of the social consciousness at their disposal, and such rigid thinking, there is bound to be blowback. We're fortunate to able to air our blowback so openly and without restraint, of course.

Somewhere like the UK, which also has a Christian tradition, albeit of a different sort, doesn't seem to have these powerful reactions. But the landscape is much different there, in terms of power relationships and political realities. This sort of thing would be more a curiosity in a place like that, instead of illiciting all the direct personal emotional reactions that a film like this does in the US or its close neighbour. Lots of reasons for that, but the fact that it is just so very real in this corner of the world certainly does account for a lot it.

I know that you're being facetious with the evil, scary evildoers thing. There are a lot of evangelicals who are good people and worth listening to - but the rational among them seem to also recognize that something is amiss. It would be negligent to just try to look past it; although it is difficult to address it sensitively, granted.

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