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malajube & dj champion

snarfmaster C

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DJ Champion, when live, is a seven piece band I'm led to believe through other coverage of this event.

According to


When Chill 'Em All originally came out, Champion began performing with four guitarists (fondly referred to as The G-Strings) on stage. With the success of Chill 'Em All and rave responses to their live show, Champion sees no need to fight the natural development of his sound. "The guitarists are getting more involved in the project now and have creative input. The solo electronic live act almost never happens anymore, so most people are discovering the project with the guitarists."



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Further to bradm's post, I present even more details..

the G-Strings, composed of four guitarists, one bass player and an amazing vocalist.

There was a band in my highschool called G-String and the Brassieres. I wonder if that's where the 'G-String' came from. hehe. Probably not.

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