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remember YO ????

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Yo Rocks!

I was working for the Maple Leafs back 2001 and we were going out to St John's Nfld cause the Leafs were having training camp out there that year.

We got to North Sydney and boarded the ferry. I got out of our vehicle and noticed this huge school bus with bikes littered across the top of it. So I thought I'd go check it out. I asked somebody coming off the bus if I could take a look inside......so I climb the stairs and start looking around inside. I look a couple of seats ahead of me and guess who's there? Ya, I didn't know who those people ahead of me were either - but when I turned and looked in the driver's seat Yo was sitting there smiling at me. We hung out on the top deck and puffed the day away - oh and he offered a macrome (sp?) lesson to everyone on board. He's priceless.

If I didn't know better I'd think he was God - he's seems to be everywhere at once.

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It's Yo

Kicking it with Craig and Sari on a rainy night in the Hammer. Matching clouds for smoke. I'll be checking out Diesel Dog tomorrow at PJ's, looking forward to their new disc.

I moved to a new place in the Falls with some land so we can have a mini-fest on June 23rd there. Its right beside the Bruce Trail, Hikers are welcome. he he

A good Dead cover band from the Niagara area has confirmed (95%) and a couple of other bands are considering it. I'll keep ya updated.

As for this thread, it felt nice and there were some sweet recolections spurred by your postings. It was cool meeting all a y'all at wherever and the next time will rock too.

I hardly go on line but write e-mail to grassblower at hotmail.com if you wish.

Peace Out, Yo

P.S. I got more weekends off this summer hopefully to sell glass at shows and festivals and such, so keep an eye out.

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