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well, i came home from fishing to find a dear john letter left from my girl of almost four years. i was close to proposing.

then i find out that my suspisions about why she left are true. [Mad]

shortly after my mother informs me that my great grandmother has bone marrow cancer.

finally, i'm told some major repairs are needed for our house, (my parents), and they are flat broke. Time to take out of the savings (again). Thousands...

Allz i keep telling myself is at least you have your health and a family that loves you.

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well, i won't beat around the bush...that does sound like a shitty day. sorry bro...

well, i came home from fishing to find a dear john letter left from my girl of almost four years. i was close to proposing.

then i find out that my suspisions about why she left are true.

-this may be good...better it be over now than later. i learned this the hard way after i bought a house and three months later my wife tells me she's leaving me.

shortly after my mother informs me that my great grandmother has bone marrow cancer.

-call her and tell her you love her.

finally, i'm told some major repairs are needed for our house, (my parents), and they are flat broke. Time to take out of the savings (again). Thousands...

-at least your folks have some type of savings to dip into. some people find they don't have an umbrella for those rainy days.

keep yer chin up bro...we will survive

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thanks for the advice.

its my saving they are dipping into, but i dont think i'll be buying a house any time soon now.

my future has kinda taken a turn.

i keep telling myself the same thing about Theresa, that things are for the better. she did the same thing to me about two years ago, but i was pathetic, and took her back, thinking things would change. i guess it didn't.

i would be in a MUCH worse situation right now if i did get a mortgage and a house, with her, and then this happened.

finally, i'm going to visit my Ggrandmother in the hospital this afternoon. It would probably put her over the edge if I tell her about me and Theresa, as my Grandmother loved her.

But i have to keep looking up. I think i'm going to buy a mountain bike and start riding again. That was something i used to love to do, but kinda gave it up when i started to see T three or four years ago.

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Chewie said it all, but I'll add this:

Feel blessed that you have a great-grandmother; most people don't, especially at your age. Like Chewie said, tell her you love her. I lost my father at age 28, and I couldn't visit him in Kingston very often ( when he was sick ) because I was too poor to take time off work.

Turn the girlfriend thing into a positive, which it will be. You would be in an emotional mess in the near future if she didn't leave you that " Dear John " letter. Plus, if you had " suspicions " before you got this letter, then this is all for the better. Better to know what's going on than to live in constant unease brought on by paranoia.

Your family sounds like they are resourceful. The house problems, when resolved, will make you glad that you paid for them. Better doing repairs in the summer rather than at Christmas.

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i can't get Looks Like Rain outta my head.


I woke today...

And felt your side of bed

The covers were still warm where you'd been layin'.

You were gone...

My heart was filled with dread.

You might not be sleepin' here again


It's alright, 'cause I love you.

And that's not gonna change.

Run me round, make me hurt again and again.

But I'll still sing you love songs

Written in the letters of your name.

And brave the storm to come,

For it surely looks like rain.

Did you ever waken to the sound

Of street cats makin' love

And guess from their cries

You were listenin' to a fight?

Well, you know...

Hate's just the last thing they're thinkin' of.

They're only trying to make it through the night.


I only want to hold you.

I don't want to tie you down.

Or fence you in the lines

I might have drawn.

It's just that I've gotten used to

Havin' you around.

My landscape would be empty

If you were gone.


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just wanted to inject my own sentiments on this...I truely beleive that in matters of the heart things happen for a reason- in this case- the way to your heart had to be made open for the person who will appreciate you and treasure a relationship with you.

A few years back when I first meet Peter in Ottawa I had never had that feeling of being smitten with someone- never thought I would be someone to believe in love at first sight but there was something about him that made me ask for his number and want to keep in touch../ well long story short- even though I was about to leave for Amsterdam for two years we feel in love damn hard over a few weeks- and I was always amazed at the timing around it all- A few months earlier a girl living with Peter (whom he loved!) just decided to drop it and leave.

I have always felt she left cause I was coming around- and he's better and happier with me.

I'm not sure he would have ever left her (he is one of these people that feels that a relationship is worth working on) so I am always glad she left him so I could have him!

chin up secondtube and believe in the power of kismet...when it comes to matters of the heart things happen for a reason.

better things could be right around the corner...

and as far as the grandma and the house- the advice that has been given is certainly good stuff.

hope you can have a dececnt day- with friends around for support- (isn't that one of those treasures of life!)

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Hmmmmm... Schmelzle if ya got the time and u want to get away 4 a few days or so, ure totally welcome to meet me at my cottage, 4 a fishing trip to help get ure mind off of things...

Ill call ya from there at some point when i get up there just to see if ure up 4 it.

Again, Im deeply sorry to hear about all the troubles ure having at this poit in ure life.



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Steve - keep your head up buddy. Anytime you need a place to clear your head, listen to some tunes, talk it out, you know where to find me.

Know that Laurie and I love you. We've been through lots of ups and downs together over the years, we're both gonna be here for you whenever you need us.

Keep in touch bro.

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i have two major points that make up my life philosophy

1. Shit happens - sometimes for the better, (seemingly) often for the worst. but there's nothing you can do about it. you just have to not dwell on it and make the best of every situation, look on the bright side.

2. Shit always works out - I've gone some realy hard times, and I mean realy realy hard times, but in the end everything comes back around, life goes on

so keep your chin up man. this may mean nothing from some dude you've never met but just keep on trucking.

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'It's just that I I I I II!IIIiiiiii I I I've gotten used to havin' you around.' Thought it needed a little Bobbificatiion. Feeling the pain. I wouldn't really be able to take the put it behind you advise either. The biking thing sounds like a good call. Also maybe go for a mix of Jack Black circa Orange County (just because you can) then go into a heavy Rocky IV training mode. I'm talking lots of Kenny Loggins and running with logs on your shoulders and stuff. Highway to the danger zone brother, highway to the danger zone.

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"things are only going to get brighter from here"


Tough couple of weeks ahead Tube, and I offer my pad in Ottawa as solice anytime you need to get the fuck away. Come up for the Nero/BlueQuarter gig. Seriously. If you can make it, I got you covered.

I'll give my bit of advice:

Stay busy

May not work for everyone or anyone, but give it a try. Everytime I lost my shit, it seemed to help somehow. Hell, I had a summer that I will never forget cause of similar circumstances (actually, more than one. In my life, it always seemed to happen in the nicer weather of this fine country). Based on personal experiences, I wouldnt ingest sld or the like for a little while.

Having said that, email me if you want to come up or just want to hear more bullshit from me.



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so sorry bro.

it totally sucks, i hate being sad and bummed out,, and i hate breakups, and i hate having to shell out thousands to make repairs, and i hate it when family members get sick. it sucks,, you better realllly tell mumu that you love her brother, make sure she knows it.

about this other shit with theresa forget about it,, put it behind you,, dont let it cloud up your head man,, i know its hard to do, but once you give it some time you might realize what has happened was for the best,,, saves you getting this letter in teh future when you guys had a house together.

about the other shit you think is going on,,, i dont think it is man, and i dont think it will go on,, i dunno, ill call you later on tonight,, or give me a shout when you get the chance.

take care brotherman

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