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Armed U.S. cops in Canada? Say NO to Losing Sovereignty


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Armed U.S. cops in Canada? Say NO to Losing Sovereignty

by Ray Spiteri, Niagara Falls Review (05 Jul, 2007) Government supports idea for on-duty officers

Painting by Drug War Prisoner James Moore

Canadian sovereignty could "erode" if non-Canadian police officers are allowed to carry guns into Canada without a permit, says Niagara Falls native and Toronto litigation lawyer Alex Colangelo. The federal government is proposing relaxed rules for foreign law enforcement officers who carry weapons into Canada while on duty.

Currently, on entering Canada they have to declare their weapons and, if they don't possess a Canadian permit, hand them over to customs and retrieve them on their way home. In a reciprocal agreement with the United States, the regulation would exempt officers - including police and air marshals - from a "foreign state" from having to obtain permits for sidearms, according to a posting on the government's official online publication, the Canada Gazette.

The proposal would make it easier to carry out cross-border enforcement and security programs and investigations, the publication states. The move is designed to accommodate armed air marshals who routinely fly back and forth across the border. But the proposal also states the arrangement would apply to other situations, including cross-border enforcement initiatives between Canada and the United States.

Proponents believe the regulation would mean a safer border, while others suggest it could have wider implications for sovereignty and gun control in Canada. "A border city such as Niagara Falls ... would particularly feel the effects of such a monumental change in policy," said Colangelo. He said an American police officer could enter Niagara Falls and would be free to carry - and presumably discharge - his or her weapon on Canadian soil.

"As a sovereign country, we need to question whether this is a necessary devolution of power. To which country would the officer answer should a situation escalate and casualties occur? Would Canadian authorities have jurisdiction over the officer's actions?"

Niagara Falls MP Rob Nicholson, the federal justice minister, said the proposal has a 30-day window allowing Canadians to submit their opinions and concerns. The proposal was first published in the June 23 volume of the Canada Gazette. "When those 30 days are up, the government will take a long look at those comments and we will decide to either proceed with the proposal, make specific changes, or not move forward with it at all," he said.


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ridiculous... particularly at a time when unarmed average Canadians trying to cross into the states are meeting unprecedented obstacles... though am sure Harper is all for it

if a criminal is loose in Canada let the Canadian authorities catch him... if special American agents are needed to assist they can get a permit to carry a gun in Canada, just like the rest of Canada has to... just like the Conservatives to give American law enforcement priority above the average Canadian

not to mention the fact that sometimes cops are criminals too

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no way, they would not last long on the miramichi

the city is up shit creek now and no pedals

trying to bring in outsiders and a big cut in pay for the firefighters, and i think the police also

should bring in a new mayor and city council

pay them 5.00 an hours to sit and fight as thats all they are doing

here i am rambling on again

oh well i said it

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Didn't Harper also authorize the US Miltary to take the lead on heading the security for Bush's visit to Montebello, Quebec?

Secret Service is in charge of Bush's security, but it's being done through the Canadian DND, local police, RCMP, FBI, SQ, and who knows how many more agencies. Montebello has been pretty much totally secured for the past week now and will stay that way until the summit is over.

One would see very cool things if one were to participate in the mapping and modeling of the site for the agencies listed above. ;)

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