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Music to doze by


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Music to doze by


April 7, 2008 at 10:44 AM EDT

LONDON — Britons like a dose of rock band Coldplay to help them fall asleep, a survey from hotel chain Travelodge found on Monday.

The band, whose frontman Chris Martin says he avoids caffeine and alcohol and is known for a lifestyle that is anything but rock 'n' roll, came top in a poll of music choices to help you nod off.

Other artists chosen for their slumber-inducing qualities were James Blunt, Snow Patrol, Take That and Norah Jones.

Those who prefer to get tucked in with a book last thing at night judged celebrity autobiographies as the most effective in sending you to sleep, with the life stories of glamour model Jordan, soccer star David Beckham and Sharon Osbourne coming top.

The survey was carried out among 2,248 people.


I would rather doze off to the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard than to the smooth sounds of James Blunt! But thats just me. ;)

What about you? I used to always go to bed with music on but not really at all anymore. But if I WAS to pick something I'd probably go for Bill Frisell's live album "East/West".

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I always wanted to make one of those New Age nature CDs. Just 50 minutes of the sound of a calm wind rustling through the tall grass, songbirds gently singing their sweet songs, interspersed with soft-pedal piano and haunting pan flute melodies. And every 12 minutes or so I'd include the distant, fleeting sounds of a man desperately screaming for his pathetic life.

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