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Clash of the Titans (1981) Classic


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The only saving grace of this otherwise dull movie is the genius of Ray Harryhausen (but I do lust after Ursula Andress). It can't compare to Harryhausen's early masterpieces like The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts and to a lesser extent Mysterious Island and The Three Worlds of Gulliver.

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I too saw this one as a kid when it came out. Hey, getting to go to a flick with a couple of friends with no parents tagging along when you're 10 or 11 and any movie would have rocked :) I remember some sword swinging skeletons that were cool. Got into dancing skeletons more a few years later ;)

I saw some of this movie on TV a couple of years ago and it definitely doesn't hold up well (except for it's campiness and maybe if you could make a drinking game out of it )

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i remember seeing this at a time when we didn't own a vhs player and we'd rent them for a week along with a crapload of movies. Sometimes we'd rent a Beta machine, and othertimes a VHS machine. They were both valid formats and every movie at Diamond Video had a copy for both Beta and VHS.

I probably COTT over and over since I finally had full control over play and pause.

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