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Bluesfest has ended

Freak By Night

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For the first year since they started the 2-weekend format, I was able to make it to the bluesfest every evening.

Donna Summer's performance last night was fantastic. Trippy light show!

Singing along with Don MacLean was a lot of fun.

Canned Heat! Awesome. Anyone know how many of those band members were original? My guess is not very many.

The ratio of top-notch entertainment to lawn chair related violence was way up this year.

I'm glad it's over, I need the rest.

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The condition, he says, is dysphoria - roughly the opposite of euphoria. It's quite normal and will disappear in two or three days.

"We all get it," he says, "and if we don't get it we're in trouble. If you're always euphoric, you've got a problem. People who have been attending, or who have been part of the festival, have had this rush of positive neuro chemicals rushing through their brains and all of a sudden they're gone. There has to be a short transition back to normalcy."

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