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zimmerman pt3

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so last night I get home from a sushi party and my roommate is watching VH1 (do you guys have "I Love the 70s" in Canada yet?); cut to commercial and what do I see: a Honda Civic ad that takes place on the beach with Ween's "Ocean Man" as the music!!

First thing that comes to mind: Has Ween sold out?

Maybe so, maybe not. After all, Ween are in debt after being dropped by Elektra last year, so is it wrong to make a quick buck just to get the Man off your back. I don't think so. What do you think?

also, the new WEEN album, "quebec", is totally psych with some killer tracks that stand the test of time and their career. Spark one and Crank up "Happy Colored Marbles" or "Tried and True", and tell me that "The Alcan Road" isn't Ween taking Floyd to a whole new psych level!

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This issue comes up once in a while. To be a sell-out, allowing Honda to use the commercial must compromise Ween's position on such things, compromise the music, or contradict something they've said about commercial use of their music.

If none of these apply, it's not "selling out", it's "cashing in", and more power to 'em.



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ween can sell out all they want. Selling out makes it easier for band to do thing like make albums and go on tour. as long as it's not Bush's new campaign song i don't care. did you all forget that they were going to do an ad for pizza hut. they also did the theme song for sponge bob square pants. go ween go. get it while the getin's good. oh and Quebec rules you bring the razor blades, i'l bring the speed i wounder if Honda know what ween is all about?

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i don't think it's possible for ween to sell out. everything they do is so completely different from whatever they just finished, and whatever they haven't even started yet, anytime anything new comes along, their rabid fan base just goes "wheeeeeeeeeeeeee, new weeeen!". they could come out with a ween flavoured drink (hey, ween-aid), plaster their mugs all over lunch boxes, trading cards, action figures, calenders, etc, and all we'd do is go "cool!", "funny!", "check this out!", and buy it all up. (well, i certainly would at least. [smile] ) their music is good enough, that wherever they decide to use it is not going affect its integrity in the least.

that's awesome honda has good taste in music -- ween deserves to reap some rewards for all they've done. spread the ween, i say. spread it like wildfire! give me geaner and deaner on toast, ice cream or in my gatorade anyday. boognish brittle, anyone?

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