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Don't forget to VOTE!


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I just did my duty and I couldn't get over how many candidates are running in Ottawa Centre that I have heard nothing from...



Throw in an Independent, a Green, and the big 3 and you've got 7 on the ballot.

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Yay, I voted! If you're thinking about doing it later but have the time now... don't wait, there could be lineups with all the people getting off work.

Only 1 extra candidate on my ballot... and it didn't listen his party affiliation.

Low Roller, I think we voted for the same party. [big Grin]

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Guest Low Roller


Originally posted by MarcO:

I don't see voting for a party that won't win as an example of "squandering" your vote.

Cynicism my friend. It's just some first-class, grade A, 100% real-fruit-juice-from-concentrate cynicism. [Wink]

If you vote you're already a winner! [big Grin]

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I'm off to vote now...I'll be looking for cosmic guidance along the way. eeny-meeny-miney-moe.

Hey, they should make the ballot a raffle ticket. The winner could get a Volvo or a tax break or get to spend a day as premier or something.

Vote early, and vote often!

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