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Awesome festival.

The location was great, for starters. As opposed to the usual "put 'em in a field and let 'em fight it out," there was a lot of shade to be found and comfortable places to chill out. The "Sherwood Forest" was a nice mellow spot during the day and was a trippy mind-fuck at night, with light shows being projected onto the trees. Also, the weather that time of year is great: warm summer days but cool crisp nights.

The stages were all in relatively close proximity to each other, so moving from show-to-show was relatively easy. What else...the "scene" was very friendly and not nearly as sketchy as one might expect from that type of festival, though I fear that might change as word gets out about it. Oh, and traffic was a breeze with next-to-no lineups going in or out.

As far as big festivals go, this one seemed to have a really personal touch and still felt intimate. The combination of location, lineup and weather made it a top-shelf festival its first go-round, and I really hope that it's something that continues.

Hope this helps.


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Awesome festival.

The location was great, for starters. As opposed to the usual "put 'em in a field and let 'em fight it out," there was a lot of shade to be found and comfortable places to chill out. The "Sherwood Forest" was a nice mellow spot during the day and was a trippy mind-fuck at night, with light shows being projected onto the trees. Also, the weather that time of year is great: warm summer days but cool crisp nights.

The stages were all in relatively close proximity to each other, so moving from show-to-show was relatively easy. What else...the "scene" was very friendly and not nearly as sketchy as one might expect from that type of festival, though I fear that might change as word gets out about it. Oh, and traffic was a breeze with next-to-no lineups going in or out.

As far as big festivals go, this one seemed to have a really personal touch and still felt intimate. The combination of location, lineup and weather made it a top-shelf festival its first go-round, and I really hope that it's something that continues.

Hope this helps.


Ditto! also, lake michigan is just a short drive away from the festival. It was great being a ble to go there in the morning and take a dip! It was also easy to get beer and such into the stage area, they never once checked my backpack, I'd just hold my purse open, they'd check that, and they'd let me through. Ooh, and they kept the portapotties clean and well stocked, too!

I would definitely go back to Rothbury, even though I live a lot further away now.

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