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Microsoft's Songsmith Used to Rearrange Hits


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Microsoft has preview software out of Songsmith. It is meant to help musicians and non-musicians write songs.

Ever sing in the car? Maybe in the shower? You know who you are. Admit it, you like to sing, and you like music. Ever thought of writing your own music? Most people never get a chance to try... but we want to give everyone a piece of the songwriting experience, so we’ve developed Songsmith, an application that lets you create a complete song just by singing! Are we going to turn you into an award-winning songwriter overnight? Of course not. But Songsmith will give you a way to create something authentically musical and authentically yours, even if you don’t know the first thing about chords or music theory.

A bunch of people have taken the software and used it outside of it's intended purpose to remix/rearrange popular songs by Radiohead, Oasis, Marvin Gaye, the Police, and more. Some of the results are not just funny, but if you listen closely, the software has done a pretty good job at building a chord structure off of melodies sung by Thom Yorke. For example, there is a chord created by songsmith by selecting a major chord played over a note sung by Thom, where his note creates the dominant 7th! The original song doesn't place his melodic note in that interval at all. That's pretty cool for software.

Here are some finds on youtube. The best part is, they're all synced to video.

Radiohead Creep

Oasis - Wonderwall

The Police - Roxanne

The Beatles - Sgt.Pepper yadda yadda

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Fun as it may be and as entertaining as the videos are, imagine what Beethoven or Mozart would've said if they'd known in the future a two year old would be able to craft and produce a full song arrangement by clicking an enter button and drooling into a microphone (other than the obvious "What the hell is an enter button and microphone?) And I thought Guitar Hero was a bad idea......

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