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Roll Call: the New Deal @ Opera House 10/11


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Ok - just a quick couple of thoughts as I must rush to Markham to violate a turkey soon....

Well, that was quite the throwdown tND displayed last night. Lots of fresh new grooves, some old classics played extremely well. Got up close for the first set right in front of Jamie, and man, is that guy ever amazing! His musical mind is so out there, so well developed, it's remarkable the level of sophisticated on-the-spot composing this guy can bring to a groove. It's no wonder he attracts the attention of the likes of Page McConnell and Herbie Hancock - he really is so good. And never mind Darren Shearer and Dan Kurtz, one of the finest rhythm sections I can think of. Shearer really is one of my favorite drummers, his style is his own and his dedication shines through.

Great sing-along on "Livin On a Prayer" (Bon Jovi) in the second set, and the guest appearance by Martina Sorbara was nice, well-received, if not completely fluid with the rest of the sets. Still, great to see these guys expand their own definitions of what tND is.

Now, if that was Farrow on the lights - my God man, did he ever bring his best game to the Opera House last night. Relatively simple but completely effective lighting set-up, it was absolutely beautiful. A great job from the sound+light crew.

Nice to catch up with Big Friendly, Eric Carr, Cyberhippie and his better half, bsherman (whad'ya think dude?) and Giggles, working the merch. A great time.

Now it's time to get tND out into the woods outside of T.O. (Guelph, London, Hamilton etc.). You know I'll be there!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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