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Sisters Euclid last night!


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were on fire! I haven't seen 'em play in a good 7 months and they did not let me down. The place was quite full last night. Walked in towards the the end of set one and caught a few songs with special guest Madagascar Slim! I believe the Sisters are his band for a show at Trane Studios this Friday in Toronto. It was really cool to see Kevin Breit play in a West African style; something I've never seen him do before. Him and Slim were trading steamy licks for an extended period. Second set was just the Sisters and they blew my mind!!! I almost forgot. Without a doubt, STILL Toronto's best kept secret. Cover is now $10 but worth every penny. Kevin seems to be dabbling into the effects more these days then I remember him doing before. They did a fun song called 'Go Fuck Yourself', I enjoyed watching some of the quite senior aged Monday night regulars get into it. They did NIN's 'Hurt' with Gary (drums) on vocals which turned into something quite moving at the end. At the end of 'Helpless' they went into this cool improvisation that was quite scarey and evil, the only comparison that comes to mind is the menacing, evil jam that Phish made during the Big Cypress Mikes Song. That's about it!

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