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Computer Phones Question

Jay Funk Dawg

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I'm thinking of going I-phone. I've been using a Hiptop for awhile and I really enjoyed having web features and all that. The downside was that it was pretty expensive... over the past 5 years I have paid about 10k on my cellphone!!

I've got a free Iphone coming to me because I have been a good customer and all that, but I would have to submit to a 3 year contract, especially seeing that there might be some new players in the market I am hesitant.

anyone here have any experience with the HTC touch and or Touch blackberry. Do you think that the I phone is in a league of it's own?

what's a guy to do here?

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I really like my Iphone. The apps are amazing. Some of them blow my mind at how useful they are (Pull My Finger- for eg.). The only thing I don't like about it is that the touch screen makes it easy to dial a number wrong and typing isn't as smooth as a blackberry. But I've gotten used to it. I think the iPhone is better for fun and creative uses, where as the blackberry might be a better business tool.

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Rogers screwed up a bunch when I ordered the iPhone and left me phoneless for a week or two- which is unacceptable for my job.

I bitched like crazy and ended up with a pretty sweet package. I would talk to a rep and tell them what your average bill is, and keep negotiating until you get something you can live with. There is room to negotiate down from $130/month, or at least have some features added on.

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fwiw, i was looking into getting an iphone with rogers a month ago and with the $45 smartphone package and the VVM, it came to under $80/month after all the fees etc. only 500mb of data, but i've heard that if you ask for the 6gb deal you can still get it (for an extra $30)

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search the forums at redflagdeals for phone deals. $130 is crazy sick.

I got a plan for the old lady with:

250 anytime

6pm eve & weekends

1000 LD minutes

vm, cid, texts

I think 2gb data - know its more than 500, less than 6gb

Rogers to Rogers

unlimited incoming.

whole thing comes to about $65/month if she doesn't go crazy calling south of the boarder....

you have to work them. ask for what you want. don't take what they offer.

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