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Sorry Stereo, But Mono Rocks (Beatles content)


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I read an article recently(pretty sure it was in Uncut) regarding the Beatles in Mono. The general idea is that the bulk of their catalog was conceived in Mono in terms of how it should sound and then recorded and mixed in Mono so therefore the original versions sound better. There was reference to the fact that The Beatles "thought in Mono" so given all of this, the Mono versions are the best way to experience their catalog.

Haven't heard it myself but there are reissues that are about to come out, Mono versions I would assume included.

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My neighbour has the original "Axis: Bold as Love" in mono vinyl. I don't think I've ever heard a better sounding record. It's sooo clear and powerful. It's like Hendrix enters your head and plays a little concert right there between your lobes.

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Mixing in mono demands a lot more scrutiny than stereo.

If tracks compete for sections of the sonic spectrum then it gets muddy, but with 2 speakers, tracks that would compete are often panned to avoid that...

...mixing in mono, referencing in stereo is a great way to make sure a mix works in every situation...like out of the speaker on my walkman phone or a portable radio.

Boiler Rat: That day we went across the street to Andy's place was pure magic.

Listening to mono records makes me wish there were '3-d headphones', as I think my ears each pick up different sounds.

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