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Gates Foundation gives $10 Billion!!!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

For all the evil that Microsoft brings into the world, the Gates Foundation is the very opposite. Today Bill and Melinda Gates announced that they are donating (through the Gates Foundation) $10 billion dollars towards a worldwide vaccination program.

It is the single largest donation ever by a charitable organization for a single cause.


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Gates is most certainly not evil. It may have been his dream to be the richest man in the world so he could do good things.

Such a far contrast to a guy like this

South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer has compared those on government assistance to “stray animals,” saying that the reason you stop feeding animals is that “they breed.”

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The Gates Foundation has been funding global health programs for years, in addition to development and education programs. It also contributes significantly to emergency relief around the world having already given tens of millions of dollars.

There is no doubt in my mind that either thru the foundation or personally, Gates has already given millions to Haiti.

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Well done Mr. and Mrs. Gates

As for Haiti, so far the foundation has given $1 million to Catholic Relief Services, and $500k to Partners in Health. They are 'continuing to monitor the situation.'

That's the foundation, haven't looked to see if there were personal donations. No guarantee at all that they'd be made public either.

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