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RC: WILCO at Hamilton Place

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Wilco the Song

Bull Black Nova

I am trying to break your heart

One Wing

You are my face

Company in my back

Shot in the arm

What's the world got in store

Deeper Down

Impossible Germany

When the roses bloom again

Handshake drugs

You Never Know

Jesus etc

Poor places





Broken Arrow

Via Chicago

California Stars (w Califone)

Box full of letters

hate it here

late greats


i'm the man who loves you

i need to go to sleep now :)

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That was a great show!!

This was only my second time seeing Wilco and I have to say their live act gives me a much greater appreciation towards the many layers and textures to their songs. I was impressed by all of the musicians, and the vocals were solid. Tweedy comes across so 'sweet' in the sentimental kind of way.

Highlights for me included:

I am trying to break your heart

When the roses bloom again


The Broken Arrow encore was UBER cool and thoughtful. Let’s face it the whole damn string that was the 'encore' (more like a second set) was fantastic.

Some funny banter throughout the night, and some annoying comments from one or two 'choice' dudes from the crowd. But hey what's a good concert without 'that guy' vying for attention.

I thought their entrance at the beginning of the night was a little self-indulgent, but all in all a very entertaining evening.

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really enjoyed the show as well. third time seeing them within the year and this one was fantastic. the crowd got the sing-along right, much better than last year's toronto show. (although lots of buffalonians in the crowd may have helped ;) )

Some funny banter throughout the night, and some annoying comments from one or two 'choice' dudes from the crowd. But hey what's a good concert without 'that guy' vying for attention.

Tweedy was actually quite amused by the four guys in the front row having their bromance. he was smiling when buddy came back from merch with the scarves and couldnt wait to tell the crowd about it. was quite funny how buddy would preface many of his comments with a casual "Jeff Tweedy?" ... "yes" ... "this is the best concert I've ever been to".

Nils is just awesome to watch! Can never get tired of seeing him play.

was fun seeing so many friends as well!

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I thought their entrance at the beginning of the night was a little self-indulgent, but all in all a very entertaining evening.

I LOVED the entrance!!! Especially combined with the "Wilco owns the podium tonight!" comment that came later on. Maybe I've been sitting in front of my CTV a little too much in the last couple of weeks but I thought the Olympic references were absolute "gold"!

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Pulled in just in time for a quick preshow puff, a quick beer and then to the seats. Fantastic show top to bottom.

LOVED the Neil Young BROKEN ARROW!!!! Couldn't believe how many people around me had no idea as to what it was. Not the easiest of Neil tunes to pull off by any means and they nailed it with a bit of Wilco flair.

Wankers down front who wouldn't get up. It took NUMEROUS nudges from Tweedy to get 'em up. Basically had to guilt them into it ;)

One of the hollerers must've been Newrider, no?

No beers to the seats ... boo :( but saved a bunch of cash.

Who were those guys in the BRODEO ? :D Jeff thought they were so "sweet" ;)

Wilco are worth every penny of the ticket price. Never been let down yet.

Impossible Germany was fitting for a title on a night like last with Canada kickin' some German butt.

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Wankers down front who wouldn't get up. It took NUMEROUS nudges from Tweedy to get 'em up. Basically had to guilt them into it ;)

as one of those wankers, i would like you to know that i didnt stand up out of respect for the vertically challenged in the seats behind me. [color:purple]i was being a respectful gentleman, you douche. :P

we were sitting right behind the brodeo boys. they seemed to just be four 30-something dudes from hammer who'd tipped a couple of pints and were out for a good show. they were singing along and were quite excited to be there. it was amusing how the spokesman was just casually carrying on this conversation with Jeff throughout the show. but it was amazing how tweedy was actually conversing back. he does that, ive noticed. he seems to really pay attention to people near the front, often making eye contact and sometimes smiling. i know when we saw them front row center at massey hall last time, it kinda weirded me out that he kept looking right at me. the brodeo boys just rolled with it.

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"Wilco owns the podium tonight!" comment

Yeah, that was pretty quick!

NewRider I was enjoying myself watching you stir up shit with the security dude throughout the encore set. You convinced him to let you take one picture up front, but when you proceeded to try to take another and another he 'tried' shooing you away. Your persistence was golden, and your enthusiasm infectious.

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Wilco pretty much perfect

Something for everyone in 26-song show

February 24, 2010

Graham Rockingham

Wilco fans seem to be divided into three. There’s the ones that love the old band with the alt-country flavour. For them, everything seem to slip a notch after Wilco’s 2002 classic, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

Then there’s a second group who appreciate the out-there experimental approach the band has taken since guitar wizard Nels Cline joined the Chicago-based sextet five years ago.

And, of course, there’s the other ones — the fans who will lap up anything Jeff Tweedy and company is willing to serve up.

Last night, it was that third group of Wilco fans who dominated the sold out crowd at Hamilton Place.

And why not? everything Wilco delivered during its 26-song set was pretty much perfect.

The audience gave the band a standing ovation as soon as they stepped on stage and they stayed standing — except for a few rows up front — throughout the entire two hour and 15 minute show.

Led by Tweedy on vocals and fellow founding member John Stirratt on bass, this is a incredibly tight band that can turn on a dime.

They move from psychedelic trauma to power pop and rootsy twang without missing a beat. There was the triple-guitar attack of Bull Black Nova, the Day in the Life noise coda attached to I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, the sweet harmonies of You Are My Face and the more traditional country of One Wing.

Although he didn’t address the crowd until eight songs into the set, Tweedy proved to be a masterful frontman, keeping up a jovial banter with one overly moist fan he dubbed the audience’s “designated spokesman.â€

At one point Tweedy sat strumming his guitar on the lip of the stage, while allowing the crowd to sing most of Jesus Etc. by themselves. A Hamilton Place audience has rarely sounded better.

And there was Cline on lead guitar. He’s considered the new guy in the band, but he pushes the music into higher places.

Cline is the sort of guitarist that likes scraping his pick the full length of the strings and then waving the instrument at odd angles in front of his amplifier for maximum feedback. Yet his meanderings never wandered too far off course and the tastefully melodic solo he tacked onto the end of Impossible Germany was one of the highlights of the evening.

By the time Wilco finished its set with Hummingbird, the audience could have easily gone home satisfied. Instead, Tweedy came back with an encore of six more songs that included a rare Neil Young medley from his Buffalo Springfield Days (Mr. Soul/Broken Arrow) and the crowd favourite, California Stars.

It was the first time Wilco has played here and Tweedy had some difficulty at first deciding whether he should call it “Hammertown†or just “The Hammer.†By the end of the night, he had settled on “The Hammer.â€

Let’s hope, he brings the band back again fairly soon.



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A great show last night! Overall, it was superb for sure, the 6 song encore was outstanding!!! With Neil Young being my favourite artist, how could I not say the Mr.Soul/Broken Arrow was the highlight of the night...Thanks to PhunkyB and RayRay for the excellent show company!

Oh I love how Tweedy called us 'the hammer'...

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