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Col Bruce shows ... how were they?

mark tonin

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The Hamilton show was great! Diesel Dog rocked the joint with lots of new material... tons of cheering and support for these guys. The 2nd guitar adds some great texture/layers to the sound... awesome.

Then Colonel Bruce came out... I thought for a while that Diesel Dog has stolen the show. C. Bruce was low-key and didn't do a lot of flashy playing. However, the guitar player he brought shredded hard!! this guy was awesome!! (and kinda made C Bruce look like a chump!) The tunes and quality of the C Bruce show were great, but not exactly mind-blowingly great... I'll let Diesel Dog take credit for the blown minds. ;)

Also noticed some younger faces not typically at the local DD shows... and they were having a blast!! Nice to see..

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Both bands at the Hamilton show were superb. Diesel Dog killed. Dan Walsh is a great addition.

I would not say they stole the show from Colonel Bruce's band though.. The colonel's band was pretty tight. It was their 2nd show together with the Colonel (Toronto being their 1st) The guitar player and the drummer did know the colonel's music very well. They used to be hard-core ARU heads back in the early nineties.. I grew up with them. While most of our friends were going to see the Dead and Phish, those 2 were driving around the States checking out ARU shows so they were the right people to be in his band.

I was also thoroughly impressed with the keyboard player and Drummer. Lots of great solo's from all in the band.

The Colonel himself was actually in a more energetic state then the original codetalkers pjc show.

The playing might have been great, but not "epic" to some but personally I was really just thrilled to be hearing so many aru classics and the colonel being so into it.

The crowd was cool too. Young people?!?! God bless them. Lots of old-school heads missing which I was surprised at but maybe people really don't remember ARU all that much. Anyone who was once a fan, missed out, if they didn't make it.

Thanks to anyone who made it out and thanks to Diesel Dog and the Colonel and his band especially Chris Cawthray. the drummer who spearheaded this small tour.

Set list is coming...

Anyway thanks for coming if you did. We will try and do it again next year.

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The Colonel himself was actually in a more energetic state then the original codetalkers pjc show.

The Colonel seemed to be right at home with this cosy venue, laid back and dancing crowd, and most importantly, with his new band. His guitar playing on Saturday was killer- he coaxed sweet sounds from that (rented?) guitar almost all night long, much more than I remember from seeing him previously in the past. It was as if the bands' skill coaxed him into letting go to shred without holding back. Most of the night he was listening intently- with eyes closed. I found much hilarity in his body language and hand gestures, along with his vocal improvisations and ad-lib additions. Thanks to Ken and Chris for making this show happen, already looking forward to the Colonel's return!

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C. Bruce was low-key and didn't do a lot of flashy playing.

I thought the same thing when I saw him a couple of years ago at Magfest. He only actually played the guitar for maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the show. The rest of the time he seemed content watching his band play.

Glad to hear DD was off the charts again - pretty much what you can expect from them!

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