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Hazy morning email correspondence


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Female co-worker email: I need you to review this document so that I can take you off of the list

c-towns reply email: You can stroke me off now.

Female co-worker reply email: Um… we’re at work so I’m not supposed to say this but that was a really dirty email. I could probably have you fired for that! HA HA!

c-towns reply email: I meant what I said...

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A spokesman for the Pforzheim police reported to Spiegel Online that 'a woman walking her dog alerted the police after seeing a bird sitting by the side of the road oblivious to passing traffic.' When police found the brown owl, it was staggering around with drooping eyelids. As further evidence of the owl's drunkenness, two small bottles of schnapps were found near the bird. The police took the owl to a local expert who has treated 'alcoholized birds' in the past. This bird is being given plenty of water, and will be free to go when sober."

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One of the things that I was extremely angry to see, and in part really made me doubt the power of push-button petition activism is the fact that we allowed Congress to strip the portion of the Defense Authorization Act that contained provisions for women service members’ health care, specifically the part having to do with her ladybits.

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