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Sweet Home Chicago

The D Funk

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Hello All This weekend I will be hitting up the Windy City staying downtown at Hotel Felix for 75/night thanks to price line. going Friday and staying till Monday. Really looking forward to checking out the city I have heard so much about.

Any suggestions of places to go, things to do/eat/ hear would be much appreciated. Cant wait to see some real Chicago Blues! Thanks again guys.

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There is tons to do in Chicago. Great food everywhere, lots of good music.

On my last visit we ended up at this classic dive blues bar called The Checkerboard. The house band was smoking and the host looked and dressed like a pimp/Prince. Fun times. The Green Mill Jazz Club is another famous place that has been around forever.

I'm not sure where Priceline put you, but I once priecelined Hotel Sax- which was pretty cool. Small rooms but it made up for it in character. It's next to the House of Blues which has a cool Gospel Brunch on Sundays.

As for restaurants- I haven't personally tried it,

but everyone raves about Rick Bayless' place and

Xoco is really good and not too spendy.

Have fun! I'm jealous. If you ever get the chance to spend St Patrick's Day in Chicago, I would highly recommend it.

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